Get Real Results with Too many Interests!

Creating content is part of who I am. I have been a blogger for decade, as well making videos and podcasts. This site is the hub of my works!
🎙️ I'm the Host of #ThePolymathPolyCast
These are the various tags, series, and categories of the PolyInnovator Ecosystem Content. Ranging from PolyCasts, Videos, OmniBlogs, and the Fireside Codex. To the documentations, getting started, philosophy, and of course polymathy!
Being someone with a many disciplines, and at least 3 or more at an expert level. Ignited by a passionate force of curiosity. The Polymath Wiki came about because of my newsletter, formally known as the Journey to Polymath. In my case my journey, but I thought I'd share the steps along the way!
The lego-like all in one productivity system, that you can create your own life operating system or second brain. Following the principles of the Polymath Integration Operating System can help lead you to understanding yourself, and gaining huge levels of productivity! Sometimes also referred to as the Personal Innovation Operating System. Is the amalgam of all aspects behind change in your life, and at every level. ___ SCALE: Yearly >Quarterly > Monthly > weekly > Daily
Technology is the catalyst to our entire lives, and while some people say we rely on it too much. I for one believe that we have only begun. However very little on the topic of innovating technology as a whole; How the processes are handled, the evolution of technology in the future, and most importantly the innovation. The world is being built on IoT, Smart City Tech, and Sustainability.
This is one of my bigger topics on this blog. Explaining how to be a modern content creator, and taking an omnichannel/polymathic approach to content. Learning how to be a MODERN Content Creator and take a polymathic omnichannel approach to digital content.
Any updates to the PolyInnovator ecosystem, and celebrations of milestones!
In everyone's life there is a challenge to find what they are good at, and what they are meant to do. Often this comes in the form of their Ikigai, and others it is simply their Ideal Career. Your lifestyle often plays a vital role as well, which is why these two are put together.
A subject of cross disciplinary training for exercise and the physical regimen. Exercise is something that is often oversimplified, or conversely over-complicated. The truest form of exercise is simply reaching to a limit on your level, realizing that you can go farther. Then proceeding to reach a new level. I want this place to be the prime source for UNIQUE thought processes on exercise. Meaning: Finding the best sources, reaching new heights, and perhaps even the philosophy behind it all.
Supporting me on this site gains you access to super-posts on the site. These mega-value, long form posts were often made in the state of flow. - This page has all of the posts that were made to be dense, immensely useful, and talking about unique concepts. Stuff that I don't even touch on in regular posts. There are a few for free members to check out how amazing these posts are, but the rest are only available to PolyPRO memberships subscribers.
There are many times I found myself wanting to write about relationships, what it means to be a man, how dating works or really SHOULD work. All of the above. Here is the tag for those notions. - Disclosure: These are my own interpretations on social dating customs, how a person of the male gender should act, and overall how to be better with people.
Innovation is the prospect of integrative change, and sometimes even exponential change. It is people behind those innovations, and understanding how all of that occurs is the point of this tag. As well as the prominence of those people, and the places they come from. If we were able to produce such innovators, then perhaps the world might be a better place. I am under the belief that if we can create new age smart cities, then the prospect of an entire generation of innovators is possible.
After a decade of teaching people of all ages how to swim, I finally got around to creating content about swimming. I built out the Mr. Dustin Swim Academy Newsletter, which is a sequential series (scroll to the end!), that teaches you every aspect of how to swim! - From the philosophy, physics, and even the psychology of Swimming. I have taught in a variety of ways, to a vast range of people, and I wanted to distill those methodologies. Leading up to the release of my book!
Growing up I always had a great affinity towards music. Mainly in the light of enjoyment, or processing deep thoughts. However I have always felt that there was music to be made from me. In my early adulthood I took a liking to karaoke, and fell in love with singing. I hope to expand upon this category with musical projections. - I think this will expand more when I start my Music phase for PolyInnovator. Until then it would be karaoke, music related musings, and maybe some sort of singing show.
A section of PolyInnovator geared towards gaming. On here I'll write guides, before you purchase type of stuff, game lists, opinion pieces, and more! It is also where I'll aggregate my various gaming streaming series. - About:
Over the course of my creator life I have always been didactic, and I love to teach new ideas to people. Obviously not everyone is wanting to learn, so understanding one's audience is important too. - This tag is related to any speaking engagements that I do, podcasts, or perhaps touching on the topic of speaking/presenting itself!
The Polymath PolyCast: Unlocking Polymathic Potential Welcome to the PolyCast, the show for the intellectually curious, the creatively diverse, and the endlessly innovative. I am your host Dustin Miller PolyInnovator, and this is the audio arm of my vast content ecosystem. We discuss multidisciplinary ideas, and interview polymathic people!
This is the tag I made for the future of education as a whole. Self-Education is a term I took from Autodidactism, and is something not talked about enough. Most, if not all, very successful individuals of the world exclaim that it was learning that attributed to their success.
These are my monthly updates on my life, both personally and professionally, and I thought might as well share them publicly. - Originally started by Derek Sivers, this is a series based around the changes in my life both personally and professionally. I decided to take it a step further with a VLOG on top of the monthly blog update! At the beginning of the month expect a new release update. Inspired by
Your IKIGAI is your reason for being, and I created PolyInnovator as the foundation for my own. Since this concept has such deep roots in my work. I thought it prudent to create a tag for it, as I often make at least one post a year relating to it. - Overall Focus I have come to understand is a byproduct of IKIGAI, and if you are not aligned with one of the four quadrants (let alone all of them), then you will fail to be focused. Posts might be on 1 or the other, or both.
The U.L.C. is a construct of polymathic innovators leading the world into a new age. At least that is the goal, and prior to me starting my personal brand PolyInnovator. This is what I worked on as a creator. - These posts were mostly made a long while back, and have since been revamped. Other new posts will be added when the time is right!
Philosophy is the why of the universe. - I created this tag as the topic of a variety of different philosophies from around the world often gets brough up on this site. From Fireside Codex entries where I may be delving into wisdom, to full on explorations of Taoism or Stoicism. To me the FLOW state also falls within this category, as in order to get into the state, then you need to be philosophically aligned.
Welcome to Dustin Miller's Fireside Codex by me, Dustin Miller POLYINNOVATOR. A spinoff of sorts of the PolyInnovator blog, which think of this like a bullet journal, personal codex, or Da Vincian notes. #Polymath of #Innovation
Self-Development is the exponential catalyst to your success in life. The Four Pillars philosophy is a Self-Development concept I created out of over a decade of introspection and philosophy research. There are four major aspects of life one must take care of, and maintain the balance between each of them. BODY | MIND | SPIRIT | EMOTIONS