Finding success in life is more of an equation rather than luck. Work goes in, success comes out, and sometimes you fail.
Ironically just like they always say, the failure is just one more lesson however. In a way you still win because that experience you had where you failed, then can lead to a future success down the line. You had LEARNED from the mistake of the past, or failure at least (maybe it wasn’t truly your fault even).
Learning is a powerful thing, and human beings aren’t the only ones who do it. Hell even fungi learn about their surroundings, it is a fundamental living creature concept. However humans excel at it, and from a very young age. We even start out as autodidacts, and we can cultivate that part of ourselves as we age. Sadly, due to how schooling works, there is a lot of stunting of that autodidactic mind.
The LOVE of Learning
If you want to be successful in life, then you MUST reignite that love for learning. Go read books, take online courses, learn a skill, and overall try something new.
These sorts of actions allow you to achieve new levels of thinking, contextualize ideas from different viewpoints, and overall lead you to meeting new people. After all it often isn’t WHAT you know, but rather WHO you know. I got a temp job at the Halloween store this month, simply for the hours, and it turned out to be a great networking opportunity. I have reconnected with past clients, future employers (literally have been offered 2–3 jobs simply by being helpful), and have learned some leadership skills.
Despite the fact I actually avoided going for the leadership role for that time being.
What is success?
If you look at the word, then it won't mean much.
When you look at your life, that is when the word actually means a lot more. However success looks different for everyone, and what you need; Would be different than what I need.
You must learn what is important to you, and if your job is that great. If the job helps you with your family life, and that is success then great.
If your family is more important to you, and your job keeps you from that. Then you are not successful, and you're so called "successful career" is actually keeping you from your true successful.
Point is self-education allows you to understand this more clearly, and it can also be your ticket to a whole new career as well.
Autodidactism is your key to growth, wealth, and success!
By learning new skills they will pop up in your life, and you will be more aware of the potential use cases they have. Learning more things makes you more interesting, it makes you connect with people better, and it can even get you a better career.
Self-learning gives you the freedom to learn anything you want, and you don't have to have a degree for it.
If you want to keep reading:

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This was one of my "social articles", an experiment to create medium sized blog posts, akin to newsletters. Across a variety of social blogging networking platforms. Such as Medium, Vocal Media, and Linkedin. Since it didn't quite land; I decided to take these posts and remake them into more full length creations.