Over the course of human history we have held many roles. From the blacksmiths of old, to the modern day CEO, or even just food cart owner.
We are put into these boxes in order for our brains to understand, and to compartmentalize each other. It originates from this idea of the tribal mindset, and we ask if you are part of our same tribe or a different one.
This is why if you go to an event and someone has the same role as you. There is a kinship, as you share the same box. It gives us comfort knowing you are part of the same tribe.
The problem is the idea of "Boxes"
Not only is it limiting the person to one angle of perception. It also creates this dynamic, that if you AREN'T in a box, then you are not part of any tribe.
A lone wolf is more scary, than if you were going against a bigger tribe.
However the whole idea of boxes, or tribes, is from this more dare I say "primitive" habit of ours. We still need boxes, as they are a part of social interaction, and they help build more bridges than they burn.
Just the matter of fact that polymathic/multidisciplinary people are more than one box inherently.
The solution is two-fold
How we perceive another person's box is UP to us in the end, and not how we are hardwired. We seem to think that this box mental model is ingrained or hardwired into us, and to some degree that may be right.
Alternatively though, there is an idea that they are not as concrete as we once thought. The boxes could be more transparent, than initially we pictured them.
You can understand that someone is made up of more than one box, and that is okay. I mean we do accept that people have hobbies, and when our friends tell us "oh yeah I do this too". Then we are surprised and happy for them to be doing something they are interested in.
It just is harder for strangers, or acquaintances, as we need to encompass a higher level of empathy to care enough about that person's multiple boxes. I want to encourage you to increase that empathic output.

Polymaths are Tesseracts not Boxed.
While we may all have that first thing that we are known for, and it will stick with us for the end of time. For me it was my swimming teaching background, for Leonardo Da Vinci it was painting.
Despite both of us doing at least a dozen other things in life.
It is my hope that we can be remembered for more than just the one box. For Polymaths are more like a tesseract, we aren't just one box, we are many boxes in one. They are merged, they bleed into each other, and they fit inside each other.
How we are perceived should be taken into that account.
Sure it is a bit harder to picture, but we CAN picture it. It just takes a bit more empathy from the other person to take the time to do so, just a tad bit more energy. I implore to remember polymathic people, as more than just one box.
For example did you know that Da Vinci also designed one of the first smart cities?