Have you ever wanted to know something like your coworker who is always in the boss's good graces? To have that skill that gives you a leg up, or perhaps even the promotion you always wanted? The real change that you crave to have.
That is the urge to improve, to grow, or to learn.
In order to even start on that path, it begins with Self-Education. You must first learn to teach yourself, learn what skills you want (or that exist out there even), and then find a way to pursue them.
Why do you do the actions you take?
If you have been passed over for the promotion, then why is that? What skill are you missing that is so seemingly important, and more importantly why don't you already have it?
Sure you can blame your degree, your company training, but in reality you just haven't learned it yet. Let your actions depict the person you want to be, and educate yourself in order to become that person.
This level of self-reflection is hard for some people, so maybe the first step is to learn how to do that reflection itself too. Then from there, learn how to take what you find, and then enact some sort of change from there. Either your perspective, attitude, or demeanor.
That simple step would show outwardly in a myriad of ways, and will more importantly show to your leader that you are making a change.
How might learning something new help you in your career?
There is always something new to learn. Let us start with getting that out of the way, as there should always be a reason to learn something. If you can't think of one, then just realize that everything you learn how to do increases the capabilities of your brain.
We are machines, and the more we work in alignment with that fact, the better off our lives become.
Try thinking of a skill that could get you one step closer to the ideal career you are aiming for, and if you feel that you are perfect in your place then adjust your point of view.
Think about what it takes to achieve that ideal career, and how to attain that skill in the first place. What are the steps towards that goal, and what are the broken down steps to learning that skill.
There must be something you're overlooking that could become your downfall. #preparation
What is the purpose of learning?
Learning is the fundamental aspect behind our behaviors, and what lays the groundwork for our daily actions. The more we learn, then the better our actions can be.
From the moment we are born we are learning, and as we get older we learn less and less. However it is the ones who continuously pursue education on all levels, that are the most successful in our society. It isn't easy too past 20's and 30's I know that, but it is also crucial to avoid mental decay.
In or out of work! It doesn't matter whether you are in a corporate environment, or a hippie in the mountains living off the Earth. You must continuously learn, even if not for success. At least for your own mental well being.
Hence the reason why the "Mind Pillar" exists in the ⚖️ Four Pillars Philosophy.
If you want to keep reading:

Previous Shorter Version:
This was one of my "social articles", an experiment to create medium sized blog posts, akin to newsletters. Across a variety of social blogging networking platforms. Such as Medium, and Linkedin. Since it didn't quite land; I decided to take these posts and remake them into more full length creations.
This one wasn't expanded a whole lot, but the angle did shift a bit in the end.