The finale of this little looking forward series. It is crazy to me the evolution of what this series has become.
It started out as a short series for PolyInContent episodes, meaning each one would be a video/blog/podcast. However after I decided to DELETE that series altogether very recently. That threw a curve ball at the trajectory of all of the ideas I had for it.
The PI Foward idea actually only came to me AFTER the fact, and I simply replaced the more boring titled stuff like "PolyInnovator Videos". With the more aptly title PI Forward - Videos, as I wanted to make the posts with the intention of looking forward. A Futurospective of sorts.
Written Content
This is a pretty wide range of content series, from the multiple newsletters I write, personal Fireside Codex journal entries, social blogs, and even the very own OmniBlog you're reading now.
I have so many ideas on the list for the OmniBlog alone, and with all of the numerous newsletters. There is a lot to come, but I'm hoping that once things get sorted with the amount of content I WANT to make. Then I will only NEED to make a few posts a week. Or the posts I make will be systematic for me, habitual, that I can focus on the big projects like the dozen or so books I have planned.
In particular the how to swim book first!

Courses, Books, and Other Big Projects
Speaking of books, these are just one of many big projects I have in mind. As I mentioned in some of the posts in this series. I'm really sort of stuck at this point juggling multiple phases at once.
It is finally starting to get to me, and I want to just be able to focus on one at a time. I don't really consider a weekly post to be that difficult, but when coupled with managing many things at once. It CAN be a lot.
I'm still figuring out how I want to go about courses. I'll probably post one to skillshare, one to udemy, and a few at least to my Pensight page. That way I have some diversification. However when it comes to after that I'd want to solely put courses on the Modular Degree platform.
Which is itself a big project I need to create/finish.

Audio Content
This year saw a LOT of changes for the PolyCast, and as that is the only audio experience I do at this time. Then I feel that it is most important to discuss.
I deleted the PolyInContent series, but I do have the PolyInContent Digest. Which is a written newsletter, and during the time I was writing this PI Forward series. I started doing creator interviews via the PolyInContent Digest branding.
Which it would just be a crime to me if I didn't make it into an audio show too.
Additionally, another couple ideas of mine, would be audiobooks, and the idea of making a podcast from the audio files of these blog posts. Thanks to BeyondWords, you can go to the top of this post and LISTEN to the post. I can also turn that into a podcast feed.

Video Content
I'm struggling really hard at the moment where I want to take the YouTube channel. I'm not super excited for a lot of the video ideas I have currently.
However doing interviews is something I am certainly going to continue. In fact I started doing the returning guest series on the PolyCast, and started the Creator Interviews. Which I think I am going to keep them all hosted on the same channel.
There are a ton of mini series ideas though that came from the PolyInContent series I had planned out. Such as an interesting one about the Four Pillars philosophy. I think once I get those going it will snowball.

A Future for the Ecosystem as a Whole
It seems like every arm has its own place, and the one that didn't got cut off. I'm starting to really refine the ecosystem.
Each piece has a reason for existing, and I can't fully explain it. However I do feel that I need to work on each of them at once right now. I may be spreading myself thin, but I can handle it. I need to get these ideas out there, and sow the seeds for future projects and phases.