PI Forward #3 - Future of the PolyCast

TL:DR | A modern form of the podcast, one made for polymaths, and the master of many areas. Topics are no longer beholden to a niche, but to multiple niches. Here is how that has evolved, and where it is headed!

2 min read
PI Forward #3 - Future of the PolyCast

Now I've made a few posts or polycasts around this topic already, but I felt that in this series I'd mention it again.

The idea of the PolyCast partially comes from the idea of becoming a Polymath of course, but also the idea of multiple series. Poly = much or many, and PolyCast meaning many types of casts.

The way it came to be shaped the future of it

It was essentially the amalgamation of three shows, but with similar topics. All thrown together into one.

I found that my ULC Podcast, the Fireside Micro-PolyCast, and what I had intended from the main PolyCast series (including PolyInContent at the time). They all had similar topics, and overall felt like the same kind of content to me.

Not to mention that at this point I had only 2 episodes on the new PolyCast RSS feed, and I wanted to start doing interviews. I had been doing solocasts for 3 years, and had done extensive research on how to do interviews. I didn't want my guests to think that I was inexperienced when coming on.

Thus, I merged the three different shows into one feed, and created the first season from that. Which is also what introduced the 42 episodes a season gimmick as well. In this I started the new season off strong.

It sort of flowed in and out like planets in a solar system. I saw the medium length PolyCasts and PolyInContent as the sun, and then the interviews and micropolycasts as the planets spinning around.

A Double Helix going forward

The previous model had too many variables, too many "planets" if you will, and in reality the "sun" being the medium length doesn't make much sense. The reason being is that I ended up hardly making ANY medium length episodes.

The Fireside Micro-PolyCast will just now include anything from 3min to 40min, and anything longer is more than likely an Interview anyways!

The interviews and solocasts will alternate, to the best of my ability, and they will take on this more helix approach.

No more PolyInContent

I really hated this decision, but I need to simplify the PolyInnovator Ecosystem more. Especially since it is only going to get even more vast in the future.

I can always bring back this series, and make it more in its own feed.

The Fireside MicroPolyCast, No more Micro?

There will still be more micro episodes, but probably less than before. Gonna do more longer form ones now that the PolyInContent series is no longer running.

Honestly there are plenty of times I want to make a solocast, and I don't have enough to fully talk about for 30 min. Hence why I made the micro series in the first place. I'm sure that will be the case in the future too.

A Polymathic Approach to PodCasting

There are three interview styles ahead, and two styles of the solocast. With a lens of polymathy, and a desire to teach the world.

It is going to become an even better podcast, or rather POLYCAST going FORWARD!

PI Forward #2 - Courses
Previous article

PI Forward #2 - Courses

In this "Looking FORWARD" series, I want to share my plans for creating courses for PolyInnovator. I've spent a lot of time exploring learning management systems but faced a mental block because I needed one for my existing courses and the Modular Degree.

3 Steps, 3 P's, and 5 Seconds
Next article

3 Steps, 3 P's, and 5 Seconds

Understanding the philosophy, physics, and psychology of how to swim. Using the 3 simple steps to swimming, and the 5 second 'rule'.

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