How do I do what I need to do? I had saved up some money, which was surprising given my little income. However due to a couple bills and oil change that popped up, I had to dip into it. I'm not sure how I can get ahead financially if I'm not making hardly anything... thanks Express.
I have a good manager there at least, but working for any corporation can be a real issue sometimes. Regardless I need to find quick income so I can save up. My lease is done at the end of the quarter. All of my plans I had figured for this year, have a supposed end date by the end of the quarter. Meaning I need to figure out how to do them within about a month.
What am I doing... NOW? February 2025
There was a week in Jan where I think I must have been burning out after trying to do this blitz at the start of the month. As I didn't get anything done, and so this last week I was trying to scramble to finish. Which I did a decent amount, but now on the start of the new month I find myself still feeling a bit incomplete.
I wake up, I make content, before going to bed I make content, and somewhere in between I need to make more content. I know that to a lot of people it seems like I'm running this hamster wheel, and to a degree I am. However when you have a pool of content to work from, there are a lot of secret avenues you can take. For example after I started doing interviews I gained a ton of videos that I could pull from. Thus when OpusClip came out I was able to do something with them, and the same thing goes for these blog posts and newsletters.
I also have this gut feeling that I need more of a baseline for the bigger stuff I want to release. Which means more simple or medium length content to be entry to the funnel for the big content.
The other thing is that I am looking for work, so that I can gain money to move. Hopefully finding a job that I can take with me too.
PIOS Screenshot:
I do this because I realized that over time my PIOS designs have changed a lot over the years, and maybe I'd want to make some sort of transition video. Or people may be curious as to how it looks at this moment.

In a bigger view #MACRO, What's Coming up
I'm going to be making a bunch of short form videos. Both natively and repurposed, and hopefully that will continue the trajectory that I have built up with my previous works.
Now that I am getting into more hardware related content on PolyTools. I think that could lead into some sponsorships, or at the very least getting my hands on some cool tech to review.
I'm going to keep posting interesting blog posts, either once a day, or once a week. Which would be good for catching up still. Then I plan on finishing the sprint for the 🧮 Journey to Polymath newsletter. As I really like the idea of getting it all done ahead of time.
I will be taking a break from interviews, as I felt like I was getting burned out from them. Also it didn't seem to be helping out my channels much either at this point, which is opposite to what they had done before. I need to focus on search refined, and thought leadership based content.
I'm downsizing a lot, and that might help me move to a new country or across this country at least. That is super cool.
Things I am consuming:
I've been on a real smartglasses kick, and trying to check out all the stuff on the market. Which I listed out here:

I keep watching a lot of "pack up my life into 1-2 suitcases" types of videos as of late. Which is an interesting concept.