Micro SaaS (Definition)

TL:DR | Something that solves a simple problem, and thanks to the internet can become a reality, without there being the same limitations upon a traditional bigger SaaS business.

1 min read
Micro SaaS (Definition)

Coined (to my knowledge) by Tyler Tringas the Micro-SaaS concept is a miniture form of a "Software as a Service" type of business.

Something that solves a simple problem, and thanks to the internet can become a reality, without there being the same limitations upon a traditional bigger SaaS business.

“A SaaS business targeting a niche market, run by one person or a very  small team, with small costs, a narrow focus, a small but dedicated user  base and no outside funding. Hence, micro-SaaS.”  Tyler Tringas

The concept is important enough, that even though PolyInnovator isn't yet creating one of our own. There is this inherent growth of the types of businesses on the internet, and it was prevalent enough; That it would benefit you here to know about them!

PolyInnovator Micro-SaaS

First and foremost the M-SaaS that we would create would be a tool for your Modular Degree. Giving you the ability to grow your Self-Education to a new level.





The Various PolyCasts
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The Various PolyCasts

PolyCast = Polymath Podcast or PolyInnovator Podcast. Once again taking the jack of all trades approach to the content medium. I want to avoid niche-ing down, as I felt that it wouldn't be aligned with the PolyInnovator Ethos. Many topics, many types of guests, and many series!

NOW Page #6 Jan 2021
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NOW Page #6 Jan 2021

New mini habits, changes to the PolyInnovator Ecosystem, new posts, revamped posts, changes to series, and more!

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