The Various PolyCasts

TL:DR | PolyCast = Polymath Podcast or PolyInnovator Podcast. Once again taking the jack of all trades approach to the content medium. I want to avoid niche-ing down, as I felt that it wouldn't be aligned with the PolyInnovator Ethos. Many topics, many types of guests, and many series!

3 min read
The Various PolyCasts

PolyCast = Polymath Podcast or PolyInnovator Podcast. Once again taking the jack of all trades approach to the content medium. I want to avoid niche-ing down, as I felt that it wouldn't be aligned with the PolyInnovator Ethos.

The whole point of me making this idea of PolyInnovator, was so that I could express myself in the form that I felt was best. Being a polymath is natural to me, and I want the content to reflect that ideal.

The PolyCasts I feel do a good job at doing that, as with the medium being so accessible I can create all kinds of cool episodes. I think that through the PolyCasts you as a subscriber will get news about different PolyInnovator Endeavors before everywhere else. Taking the word "Poly", in ancient Greek meaning Much or Many, and applying it to the content.

Many topics, many types of guests, and many series!

For one many of you may have come to this site from, is the Interviews on the PolyCast. Where I talk to multidisciplinary individuals, and exemplify their divergent interests, traits, and skills.

The Fireside Micro-PolyCast actually started around the first iteration of the Fireside Codex. Taking a bite sized approach the content I create. I wanted to have the ability to share unique ideas, without them taking too much of the listeners/readers time.

The regular PolyCast, I call it the regular one simply because it is a medium sized episode. Something that I can't get done in a micro-episode length, but doesn't require another person to discuss. These often happen at the beginning or end of a season, or when a milestone is hit.

OmniContent, as the last step in that content repurposing sprint is taking the audio out. Granted I make the OmniContent episodes in a way that ideally sound interesting when simply just listening to them too! They can be on a variety of topics.

The Future of the PolyCast

There are actually many series I have planned for the PolyCast, as some originated from ideas I've had over time. Or were ideas that have come about from the interviews.

For one I may take the documenation posts like this one, and create some sort of technical series.

I really loved having the people on the show, and want to keep the conversations going with each of the lovely guests. I have a few ideas of how to approach people coming back, without it being the basic interview structure of the first appearance.

The Round Two PolyCast, this one is the second time a guest comes on the show. Takes a fast past, rapid fire questions, almost like we are in the ring. A counter to the slow structure of the original interviews.

Next would come the Triple Threat PolyCast, which originated from my fitness classes, as I created a sequence of trainings under that name. I think that this show has some evolving to do before it is ready. However it would be interesting, finding some way to incorporate thirds. Whether it is three topics only, three guests at once, or something I haven't even thought of yet! (Reach out if you have ideas)

PolyInnovator Gaming may have its own series as well. Whether it is commentary, gaming news/stories, or perhaps updates on my own game development.

Where Can I find you?

User experience is something I crave to the best at, and I that also means I plan on being on many platforms. To make it as seamless as possible for you to listen.

You can find the Polymath Polycast on nearly any platform, here are links to various sites right here!

The PolyInnovator Audiocast

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