Gaming Stories

Creating content is part of who I am. I have been a blogger for decade, as well making videos and podcasts. This site is the hub of my works!
🎙️ I'm the Host of #ThePolymathPolyCast
Follow the Polymath Wiki to learn about living a Multidisciplinary Life. | Learn to organize your personal knowledge with the PIOS. | Keep up to date with The Generalist Gamer newsletter for gaming content!
The lego-like all in one productivity system, that you can create your own life operating system or second brain. Following the principles of the Polymath Integration Operating System can help lead you to understanding yourself, and gaining huge levels of productivity! Sometimes also referred to as the Personal Innovation Operating System. Is the amalgam of all aspects behind change in your life, and at every level. ___ SCALE: Yearly >Quarterly > Monthly > weekly > Daily
Being someone with a many disciplines, and at least 3 or more at an expert level. Ignited by a passionate force of curiosity. The Polymath Wiki came about because of my newsletter, formally known as the Journey to Polymath. In my case my journey, but I thought I'd share the steps along the way!
Supporting me on this site gains you access to super-posts on the site. These mega-value, long form posts were often made in the state of flow. - This page has all of the posts that were made to be dense, immensely useful, and talking about unique concepts. Stuff that I don't even touch on in regular posts. There are a few for free members to check out how amazing these posts are, but the rest are only available to PolyPRO memberships subscribers.
Welcome to Dustin Miller's Fireside Codex by me, Dustin Miller POLYINNOVATOR. A spinoff of sorts of the PolyInnovator blog, which think of this like a bullet journal, personal codex, or Da Vincian notes. #Polymath of #Innovation
A section of PolyInnovator geared towards gaming. On here I'll write guides, before you purchase type of stuff, game lists, opinion pieces, and more! It is also where I'll aggregate my various gaming streaming series. - About: https://polyinnovator.space/polyinnovator-gaming/