Oogway: "There is a saying, 'Yesterday is history..."
You can't control time, and go backwards down the river flow of the temporal stream. You can't assume that what happened before, is the only outcome that could have occurred. However you can Know that it did occur, and that you must accept that it did.
Regardless of what may have happened, good or bad, there lies the consequences of it. You are living the future of that moment in time, and you have to deal with what happens now.
Yesterday has already happened
The time has been long gone, and the actions you took are now the foundations of who you are in this moment.
All of the events that came before you happened, and they are what make up who you are. They are the building blocks that define your essence. Good and bad, the events that occurred in your past make up who you are in the present.
“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”
~ Steve Jobs
We Cannot go back and Change what was
All those dots, or stops along the river of time, they all have connected into a web that is you. I for one had a troubled past, and I almost had forgotten because I accepted it.
The sadness, the abuse, the urge to be in the future, and the loneliness. They all plagued me in the past, and made up who I am today. However I cannot go back and change those, much were out of my control in the first place, but what I can do is learn from them. I can remember that they happened, and remember that I was strong enough to make it through.
Just like in the "Who Are You" video
"Your story may not have a happy beginning, but that doesn't make you who you are, it is the rest of your story. Who you choose to be."
Acceptance and Moving On
"You are too concerned with what was, And what will be." -Master Oogway
When the path in front of you screams at you to keep moving forward, to keep taking the next step of a thousand miles. That is what you must focus on, the each individual step that you take.
Your past doesn't matter, whether it was good or bad, and the future is all you can worry about now.