I'm creating this post because I really like keeping a history of my content journey. Not only for others to learn from, for me to look back on, and for my fans/family to see what I was up to for a time.
I've spent a ton of time on the Substack platform. From the original ✒️ Fireside Codex, to 🏊 Mr. Dustin's Swim Academy, and even Social Blogs experiment. I actually initially thought maybe 🧠 PIOS Omni-Brain would have a home there, as I wanted to take a different route than here on the OmniBlog.
I wrote about all of the Substack iterations on this post:

This post is mostly copied from my various about pages on there, so some links might break over time, and the formatting is weird. However I hope you enjoy this peek into my thoughts and writing.
Archive of the About page + History
Since this Substack has changed a lot. I wanted to have a place to put the old about page.
This Substack actually started out as my “Fireside Codex”. Those of you who follow my main “OmniBlog” might know what that is. For the rest of you, that is simply what I called my public journal entries. Sort of like blog posts, as I am a writer and blogger for a long time, and I couldn’t help but write in that format.
I wanted to try out Substack (mind you this was really early on). Later on I decided to just consolidate it to my main site. Hence the name OmniBlog too, as omni means all, and I wanted the site to be all encompassing of my content.
I moved over my Beehiiv and Revue as well.
Eventually I wanted to take more advantage of the networking effect on here, and I created my “Mr. Dustin’s Swim Academy” newsletter here on Substack.
While I sort of regret taking it off of here, again I wanted it all to be on the same site. I thought by having a substack I could have a separate site for that endeavor/sub-brand. Although it really did fit better under my personal brand, PolyInnovator.
Once more I wanted to be on Substack, and I built out this same account to be the “PIOS with Capacities”. The PIOS being my second brain or Life os I created for knowledge management. However since the main niche for my personal brand is “Knowledge management for Polymaths”, then those posts needed to be on my site. Not to mention I stopped using Capacities.
Here is what the about page looked like for that older endeavor:
Why is Knowledge Management Important?
Hello! I am Dustin Miller PolyInnovator, and was frustrated by the lack of multidisciplinary organizational systems out there. As my life has gone on I have met more and more polymathic/multidisciplinary people. They often tell me how hard it is to organize their various projects, connections, and just life in general.
I had the same problem myself, and I went to every project or task management software solution out there. Eventually landing on Notion, where I created the PolyInnovation Operating System, or PIOS. I eventually moved to Obsidian, and finally to Capacities.io, which became my main tool.
Note: PolyInnovator or this Substack is not officially affiliated with Capacities.io, but simply wanted more content around the tool!
This Personal OS allows you to organize your life into layers, in which they each break up into INPUT and OUTPUT. For example the Daily layer consists of your learning, as well as your creative works. The yearly layer has your REVIEW (input of last year), and the PREVIEW (output/planning) of next year. This philosophy instills that each layer is adding something to your life.
Here are the layers:
- Supra/Yearly - Review + Planning
- Macro/Quarterly - Four Pillars + Ikigai Alignment
- Meso/Monthly - Goals + Projects
- Micro/Weekly - Tracking Habits + Organizing Systems
- Nano/Daily - Input + Output Flow
- Pico/Hourly - Tasks + Timeblocking
This system will help you organize all the different endeavors you are trying to accomplish, and if you’re polymathic like me then there are a lot! With Capacities at the helm, then who knows what you can achieve!!
I hope you all sign up to learn how to organize your polymathic life, and I look forward to sharing my vast array of knowledge to you! 😄
Archive of the “Social Blogs” Substack Experiment About page
I consider "social blogs" and "newsletters" to be of the same size and caliber. Not quite a full fledged blog post, but not just a social post or Tweet either. Some people treat their newsletters like blogs, and that is totally okay. I just wanted to share some short form ideas, and if you like them. Then you can check a longer form post related to it!
Let’s explore this concept of social blogs, and maybe even try out some “quadblogging” at some point too!
In the end I wanted to come back to Substack once more, and I wanted a place to put my social blogs. A sort of growth endeavor, but also bit more loose on the style or topics. My omniblog was made so that I could create any content I wanted, but this is even more open.
You’ll find topics ranging from self-education, polymathy, knowledge management, swimming, exercise, gaming, and more!