This is a historical post of the about page for my old Gaming website.
While it is no longer on Paragraph blogging, the ideas behind the site I wanted to keep track of, and share my progress over time.
Learn how this all got started!
I created this blog on because of how modern the platform is, and I wanted to keep it slightly separate from my main website
On here I'll write guides, before you purchase type of stuff, game lists, opinion pieces, and more! It is also where I'll aggregate my various gaming streaming series. One thing to note is that I'll still be posting PolyInnovator Gaming content on the Omniblog as well!
This newsletter builder combines the best parts of both web2 and web3, and I find that perhaps down the line I can create a token exclusive for my subscribers here. Which I think is a fascinating idea for a gaming channel.
Here are the games I am going to play first:
- State of Decay 2
- Story of Seasons #Nostalgia
- Skyrim SE/AE #Moddedtohell
- Mass Effect Trilogy - Playing Through one of my Fav Series
- Fallout 3/NV/4 #Moddedtohell
- Diablo 2 R #Nostalgia
I'll also be adding in various videos and clips from other games, such as Octopath Traveler or of my own game I am creating! Stay tuned for updates!!
Getting started
I'll be getting started on my editing for my first handful of videos for the channel, as I have already recorded most of my first season. It isn't my first rodeo after all starting a YT channel. I am however getting used to streaming.
I'll be taking a polymathic approach to my streaming channels, as I don't have any anchor, so I'm just throwing the net to see what catches. It also follows in with how I run my main personal brand on PolyInnovator as well.
Helpful links
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Want to let me know what you want to see?
This is about creating content for YOU, and so if there is something in particular you want to see... Then perhaps let me know and I can see if it will work in the grand plan. I'm really open to ideas, even though I have a lot of my own already!
You can reach me via Twitter or subscribe to the newsletter. I'm also getting the Discord up and running as well! Currently only inviting 100 people so that I can keep it close knit for now, but once I can I'll add even more features and people too! You can also leave a comment below!!
Combining this Post with my Games List Post
Here are all of the planned games so far for PolyInnovator Gaming!
Here is the list of games I intend to play on stream, or at least record myself playing. As some may end up being a mix of both!
The "Generalist" Gamer or The "PolyInGamer" came about from the idea of that I am not going to be playing just one type of game. Let alone just one game at all, and so many streamers get stuck in the loop of being known as the "Apex" player, or the "Fortnite" player, and then when they spread out they lose a chunk of people.
While being a variety streamer means I may end up growing slower than the norm, at least I am staying true to myself knowing that I want to take a polymathic content approach to the vast amount of games I already play.
Here are the games I currently have planned to stream, and they are in an idealized order. I'll edit this post with the corresponding playlists when the videos come out!
1. State of Decay 2
Fun fact I've already recorded most of the first season, and going to start the 2nd once I get all of these out. In this story we take charge with the Sheriff leader "Marian", who was my first leader in my actual playthroughs of this game. I'm calling this campaign the "Last Law" community, and I started out the story in the "Police Station" base. Which I felt was just right for a game like this!
I felt that bringing her back was akin to a circular ending, although I do have one more campaign before I'm done. I had completed all four leader legacies on Standard mode, and slowly moved my way up to Lethal. I wish I started recording sooner honestly, as my "first" lethal playthrough I treated it as my "secondary" community, so I wasn't as sad when someone died. Just frustrated, although I played this community lead to a lot of interesting turns to say the least!!
2. Breath of the Wild
As an avid Zelda fan all of my life I have played MOST of the games in the series. When BOTW came out me and my roommate were fascinated by the new Hyrule. We both went our own pathways, and had to fight for time to play the game when we were both off work (even though it is HIS switch lol).
While he ended up making unique runs like the drop everything when you enter a new province, no using armor (aka naked run), and more. I ended up trying for a couple different challenges, such as going straight to Ganon. Only picking up what I can on the way, sort of a speed run type of deal, and I almost did it too if it wasn't for that meddling Lightning Blight Ganon!!
Another challenge I did was trying to complete Master Mode. I did not go for all of the Korok seeds because why would I? However I did get all of the shrines, as well as completed the Master Sword Trials (both of them) on Master Mode. Which for those of you who know... KNOW.
I want to do a new playthrough to experience the game again in time for the upcoming sequel.
3. Octopath Traveler 2
Speaking of sequels, two of them that I am really looking forward to are coming out this year. These actually pushed ALL of the other games back, including Witcher 3, which just got an update.
While Tears of the Kingdom is going to be amazing, it doesn't come out until May, and Octopath 2 is in Feb. I could have sworn at one point TotK was in Feb as well.
I binged through the first Octopath thanks to Xbox Gamepass, and I found it to be delightful. If not a bit grindy. I tried even doing unique playthroughs like a speedrun (Fleet-foot achievement) which I won in the last 10 minutes I had left, and a solo run achievement (but this one failed at the final boss because I chose Olberic lol).
I am currently about to finish the final boss of the first game, and I am really looking forward to the new characters intermingling in the next game!
4. Story of Seasons
I LOVED Harvest Moon growing up, but as the rights of that name went with the other company. The HM games are now replaced by Story of Seasons ones. We do not talk about the newest HM games...
Shout out to Stardew Vallley as well, as I may get around to that game eventually.
I have Friends of Mineral Town loaded up on a couple different platforms, and I am excited to share my swooning for Popuri to the world hahaha. Maybe I shouldn't be cause it would be cringe.
5. Mass Effect Trilogy
Once again taking control of Commander Shepard as I strive to play a perfect playthrough. While I desperately want to play this on my 4K tv... I may end up having to play it on PC so that I can mod the 3rd game hehe.
Not much to say on this except that this time my Legion will not die!
The intention is to be able to play as much of the games as possible, as I didn't even get to play all of the DLC's like Citadel. Trying to get a perfect ending, and perhaps with a twist!
Insert spot for Breath of the Wild 2 - Tears of the Kingdom
As I am not quite sure when this game is going to come out in relation to the other games in this timeline. I may end up doing it AND the other game at the same time.
6. Skyrim SE/AE #Moddedtohell
I literally have built every PC of mine in my life to play Skyrim. Literally it is what I think about when choosing parts, despite the fact I haven't played it ON MY PC. At least not for more than a few hours. Ugh, I played it on Xbox 360... yes I know throw the tomatoes at me.
I want to play through it again with it fully immersive and at full capacity. Let's hope my PC can run it modded to hell!
7. Witcher 3
With the new update I really wanted to take advantage of the ray tracing, even on the Series X it looks amazing. I have only played through it once, and I got about halfway through the Blood and Wine DLC. Meaning I still have to finish it, and might as well try it out on the new updated version.
8. Diablo 2 Resurrected
This was the first game I ever played as a kid that I can remember, well maybe besides Super Mario World on an emulator in the late nineties lol.
I always played Assassin, but I may go with something different for the playthrough. I just want an excuse to play it again!
9. Fallout 3/NV/4 #Moddedtohell
Same as the Skyrim playthrough, although I do want to try and play all of the Fallouts. I actually never finished FO4, and I would like to replay 3/NV since it has been a decade.
They all are going to be heavily modified of course, to the same level as the Skyrim, if not more so since they are older.
10. Pokemon Romhacks
The reason why this one is so far down the list, despite the fact there are literally a dozen I want to play; Is because of the fact that Nintendo is so uptight about people streaming these. Honestly only exclusively Pokemon streamers usually stream these types of games, and that is because they are literally spending all of their time on that alone.
I wouldn't want to get into 'trouble' until I had a decent following or so to back me up ideally. Plus some of these other games on this list are far more enticing right now.