I'm creating this post as I am completely remaking the PIOS page, and I wanted to keep a bit of a historical context of how the system has evolved. Going from the previous "Supra/Yearly" layer system, to the simply just "Yearly" layers to broaden appeal. As much as I love the scientific sizing monikers like Supra or Macro, it just made things more tedious to understand, and it wasn't necessary.
This is simply a copy of my previous page, which was already a hefty consolidation of pages. As each layer had its own dedicated page at one point. My point is that this is a wealth of knowledge and information. While my new version of the PolyInnovation Operating System is more streamlined, it does still follow the principles set out in this post.
However I made things far more efficient, moved things like Modular Degree and Notes Folders for each layer around. Etc. Even changed the name to Personal Integration Operating System. I'll append any section of this post with comments or links to useful resources.
To see the new page, and understand the modern version of the framework:

The Personal PolyInnovation Life Operating System!
The PolyInnovation Operating System, or PIOS, is a modus operandi for your life. I know that sounds rather fluffy or too macro view, but it is true as the details will come below!
One of my key principles in life is the fine line of balance, and always striving to find it. That also comes to your own personal growth, and after a literal decade of self-reflection and self-development; I truly think that I have created a unique system that others miss the full target.
What I mean by that is the FULL target, we are just focused on one area of our life, the pursuit of happiness? garbage unless you know what you want to do, physical development? useless if your mind isn’t development, and more. Many systems or influencers out there make you think that it is one simple fix, but it is not and I wanted to find a way to get past that.
Supra/Yearly - Review + Planning
Macro/Quarterly - Four Pillars + Ikigai Alignment
—Vocation —Profession —Passion —Mission
—Mind —Body —Spirit —Emotions
~Everything you do should go towards one of those areas in your life.~
Meso/Monthly - Goals + Projects + Phases
—Goals DB —Projects DB – Phases
Micro/Weekly - Tracking Habits + Organizing Systems
—Weekly Prep —Exercise —Journaling —Expenses
—TimeBlock Schedule —Meditation —Learning + Creating
Nano/Daily - Input + Output Flow
INPUT:—Modegree —Personal Brand + Content
OUTPUT:—Resonance Inbox —Bullet Journal + Notebook
Pico/Hourly - Tasks + Timeblocking
—Task DB/Cal —Modegree Cal —Content Cal
Reoccurring Tasks up top, and Regular Tasks below
Featured Polycast
Learn more about the PPS
This is a short form Fireside Micro-Polycast on the system, so that you can listen to the ideas I am trying to convey. If you would rather read then feel free to scroll down!
Note: This was on the previous iteration called the Personal PolyInnovation System. It is still relevant, but I will be making more updated content here soon!
Why Should Keep Reading?
What is the point for you to even be here? Why should you even care about this long drawn out name of a system? Well for one it is probably what brought you here. Most of my content I sneak in the philosophies, mindset, and various growth patterns. All of those come from this Personal PolyInnovation System. Something I came up with over time, which has been over the past decade. I started talking about the Four Pillars Philosophy back in 2011, and the do it yourself Modular Degree was the catalyst that started PolyInnovator. Not to mention all the habits and systems I had to form in order to build the brand, and work 2-3 jobs to pay bills so I could keep working on this sort of stuff.
I say all this because this is my WHY, this is the stuff that keeps me going. I built this system to help you not only find your Ikigai, but to push towards it. Be systematic in your journey of life, and take a modern approach to how we take in philosophy. There is a balance between ideology and technology, and we as a species are literally on the verge of finding it. I don’t even mean this in a metaphysical way, but literally with the rise of technology everything has been changing.
How Does All of This Work?
It works because I’ve done it, and I’ve been learning from the best self-growth experts from around the world. I’ve read their books, taken their courses, watched countless YouTube videos, and built my own degree to learn even more. Now of course it is still forming, and taking shape, so please be patient. I mean it took me a week to simply find the right words for this page alone. Mainly because I wanted to explain it in a way that would make you want to learn more.
You start by pursuing your own Self-Education, and you choose something to learn. IMO it would be one of my courses on the PPS, or something like it, so that you can start your self-growth cycle. Learn, Unlearn, and Relearn. It is all a cyclic pattern, and being able to anticipate when the next part of the cycle is coming, is what I hope you get out of the PPS in a macro sense. Micro-wise there is systems I’ve built that you can copy, such as the Modular Degree. When I say that I don’t mean you need to do what I did, and build a 400 course degree. Even now my Mod Degree is around 120 courses, that I am still currently pursuing.
A Modular Degree is meant to be malleable to what YOU need, and in this case you need to start. So it is much more wise to start small, and build your way up. However self-awareness is key, if you feel that something bigger will be more motivating such as for a career, then be my guest.
Once you learn more on what you need to know, then you need to implement and execute on that knowledge into habits you can do as routines or rituals. Some sort of daily action, that will cement the knowledge better, and give you practice. #mastery After that your systems will form, and over time you’ll see more on how they impact your life.
After those two steps comes the harder part, Self-Development with the Four Pillars Philosophy, and I say this is harder because takes more learning and habits. In order to understand what you originally were learning has done to your life. Then you need to understand first the mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional sides of your life. Perhaps learning on meditation and exercise to give you more self-awareness. This is assuming you don’t already do this, but even if you do I encourage you to reevaluate anyways.
What is Personal PolyInnovation?
Poly is a word you’ll see a lot around here, in which case would more than likely be because of the world polymath. The term for someone who is highly skilled in many different areas. Perhaps you may even see in the personal brand name, PolyInnovator, which makes a whole lot more sense with “PolyInnovation”. The PPS is the idea of approaching change in your life in a systematic way, with intricate understanding of each area of life.
How the System Works
Let me state the original idea was the Self-Education foundation, Self-Improvement consistency, and Self-Development Exponentiality. With a Self-Branding aspect for an output. However it expanded beyond just those simple layers.
You have your yearly review and planning, to track what all you did the previous year, and how that will impact your next year. What you need to get done that year.
Something I have failed to do most of my life is look at things in a quarterly sense, like this is the goal I wish to accomplish over the next few months at some point. You can't always plan everything 100%, as I mean look what happened in 2020. My second quarter flipped completely from OmniContent to PolyCast Interviews.
Keeping track of how your actions impact your life, from the four areas/pillars, to the attainment of your Ikigai.
Next we have the monthly organization, which is something I have done, and I am sure you may have as well. This layer talks about goals and projects, as they aren't always the same. I even thought about adding sprints in there too for smaller things. This way you can have a light at the end of the tunnel to organize your tasks and actions with in the coming weeks.
In the weekly scale you have to decide what actions you want to take this week, and what all needs to get done. Not to mention track your habits, and make sure you are pursuing them in some capacity.
With the final Daily and Hourly layers they are pretty self-explanatory, as they are the tracking of your tasks. Making sure you block out time throughout your week and days, to make sure everything gets done.
2024 Update:
In an effort to simplify this site's sitemap/information structure. I decided to consolidate the sub pages for each layer into this page.
Supra/Yearly - Review + Planning
First layer of the PIOS featured around the yearly review and preview. Take in what you did in the past year and reflect. Then plan for the next year, to get even more done!
The Yearly Manifesto
Taking into account and entire years worth of information can seem daunting at first. However when you break it down, and use a template each year. Then it becomes much more manageable.
The point of the review is to see what you did and didn't get done, what new or unexpected things occurred (quarantine), and what all did you learn from the year.
When you have all that, then it is best used towards planning your next year. I wonder if down the line I'll add decade versions of these as well. The next step is to divide into the quarters, and maybe even months, the tasks, goals, and projects you are aiming at.
Note: This page and section will be updated the more the PIOS template fills out, and feedback is implemented!
POST | Yearly Reflective Review
It is very important to look back fondly, and appreciate the year that you had. All of the actions you took. The level of understanding you now have because of those experiences.
This would be a good time to go into your Networking Base, and catch up with people you met over the year!
From the conversations you had, the content you created (even if it is just a personal journal), and the amazing things you learned over the course of the year.
PRE | Planning Manifestation for Future
I am not much of a Law of Attraction kind of person, but this is where you will put your intention to the universe if you will. Manifest your items that you aim for in the next year, and even if you are more of a literal kind of person.
This is the point where you put down your SMART goals, the ideas, organize goals/projects, and put them down on "paper" to achieve.
People often over estimate what they can do in a year, but underestimate what they can do in a decade.
Always keep that in mind.
Knowing Your Personal, Seasonal, Circadian, and Climate Cycles
For example I live in a digital world, and I can't help that I spend most of my days at a computer. It is where I learn, create, connect, game, and thrive. However I do spend plenty of time with real people to balance it out too.
⚠️ Note: Each person experiences different effects based off of the weather or season, such as Seasonal Affective Disorder, or calming rainy days, etc.
One should plan their year ahead based off of how they have felt in those seasons over their life, and particularly over the previous (more recent) year.
Point being is that some weeks I am more of a creative, others I want to voraciously learn, and other weeks still just relax and play video games. The latter is a bit more rare, and I need to rest more often. A fault I know about myself, that allows me to plan around that, and increase my number of relax weeks than I think that I should have. I know that I will not be relaxing ENOUGH, so I can compensate by adding more.
Same goes for knowing my cycles, if I can tell that towards the end of the year I burnout easily, or that I will get eager to create even more. A double whammy, then I can prepare throughout the year to make a system that will take some of the load off of me, and plan ahead.
Seasonal and Climate
Temperature is so very important, and depending on the weather (which changes rapidly where I am from); Then you could be in for a wild ride, that you can't plan around. At least to a degree.
I live in a place where we get all four seasons, but they like to mix and have Summer in the middle of Winter, and have Winter's cold in the middle of Summer. It is crazy, and if it gets cloudy some day. Then don't expect me to be productive, as I can't stand those kinds of days (some people love them, and that is my point).
Know what sort of days you prefer, and so you can have options and plans for days that are going to be slower, and days that may end up going more productive than you anticipated. You don't want to lose that momentum, so if one of those days randomly happens make sure you have things on the backburner to get done.
Circadian Rythyms and Sleep
This goes along with that rest idea, where you need to make sure your body is getting enough time to heal. I always say with exercise you gotta spend energy to get energy, and in this case you literally have to spend time to get your energy.
You can't skip this, as much as you may want to. Mind you I stayed up to 3AM last night working on the PIOS scale once again. However it got me to create all of these pages today. Sometimes burning the midnight oil is a good night, but I did take a big nap yesterday and had caffeine...
Learn what your sleep chronotype is, even if the research isn't all there yet, the concept is still helpful for you to identify how much sleep you really need.
I would also incorporate meditation and naps to aid your big sleep times.
How does this all fit?
You might be asking why are talking about sleep or seasons in the yearly Supra page? Well the consistency of your sleep is a big picture thing, one night or one week isn't enough data to know. It isn't until you get to the months, quarters, and years where you start to see how it all comes through.
Have a sleep tracker is quite helpful too. Data over time.
Skip the whole new year's resolutions, they don't work. Build out your PIOS, and plan the next year ahead!
Macro/Quarterly - Four Pillars + Ikigai Alignment
Self-Development through the Four Pillars Philosophy. Meaning taking after the four major areas of life: MIND BODY SPIRIT EMOTIONS This is part of the Personal PolyInnovation System!
~Everything you do should go towards one of those areas in your life.~
This is something I have put everywhere in the PIOS because it is so very true. If you take actions without knowing why, then you are lost from the start.
This is a more philosophical aspect behind the very technical PIOS, but both are extremely important. My personal principle in LIFE, is to achieve balance in everything we do.

Take a journey to understand your FOUR PILLARS
The Four Pillars philosophy is a Self-Development concept I created out of over a decade of introspection and philosophy research. There are four major aspects of life one must take care of, and maintain the balance between each of them.
Each Pillar is an example of each part of your life, for example your Mind Pillar takes after your mental stimuli/neuroplasticity, learning, mental health, and mind-body connection.
Your Body Pillar, as you may presume takes after exercise, nutrition, and health.
Spirit Pillar goes for your spirituality, individualization, and the connection between your conscious mind with your subconscious mind.
Finally, your Emotions Pillar goes after your Emotional Intelligence. Regarding your Intrapersonal understanding, as well as interpersonal. Being able to understand and empathize with others.
When you put all of those together, then you have a solid holistic view of your life, which is crucial for Self-Development.
Each pillar impacts the others
Balance of YOUR Life!
When one of these of these Pillars go out of whack, such as when you get sick or you neglect one for a while; Then the rest will start to follow suit. Think of it like a two-way funnel, when you build one up, then they all can start to build up alongside it. Brick by brick so to speak.
However when one of your Pillars start to slip, i.e. you start missing workouts, or don’t take care of one at all (just never got around to it in your life), then the others will suffer for it. You must tend to each Pillar separately, but view them as a holistic system of all of them coming together to form you.
A modernized philosophy for your use
Use Philosophy and Data
Using tools such as Obsidian.md or other database/documentation methods, there are ways to track your daily/weekly/monthly habits. That Self-Improvement is prudent to your overall Self-Development. If not for those micro consistency habits, then you’ll lose track of where you are in the macro picture. Putting you down a spiral, that will hinder your life progress.
This is why both are important, and why I make them distinct in the PPS. If you don’t take care of all Four Pillars with their own habits and systems for your growth, then you become stagnant, or worse off.
Using the Four Pillars Philosophy you can combine it with habit tracking tools to efficiently take control of your life.
What is YOUR Ikigai?
Following this Japanese concept of what your reason for being is, this is a part of the PIOS to keep your actions aligned with your life goals.

The Four Pillars Philosophy is meant to embody the Four Major Areas of your life, as well as be a way to plan progress in life as a whole.
This part of the PIOS is merged with your IKIGAI (or reason for being), and building up your Pillars until you have either found or accomplished your Ikigai. Then continuing it in your blissful life.
What is it that gets you up in the morning, and that gets you fired up?
What is the ultimate goal of your life, and what do you envision to accomplish?
What is your high level skill that you can get paid for?
What is it that you get paid for in life, and the world could use more of?
Taking Your goals/projects/sprints into these accounts
Each of your tasks come from your Input and Output, but they also come from your goals/projects. The big categories of what your tasks follow up on.
When you create a task you have a property option to say what area of your life it is meant to work towards.
Such as if you create a task for creating a video, that video is for your personal brand, in which case is being built for your happiness and passion. Fitting in the Passion, Mind, and Emotions categories.
When you describe it like that, then it changes how you personally perceive that task item. Giving it more weight, and allowing for you to think about it in a new way. More than likely in a better way, and increasing the value of the said video.
That is just one tiny example of many, but the idea is to funnel your actions towards your goals and grander areas of life.
Meso/Monthly - Goals + Projects
Track your tasks leading into your goals, that make up all of your projects. Then all coming together into phases for your life, or personal brand, or both!
These are your Areas, Endeavors, Sprints, Phases, Goals, and Projects. Whatever term of categorization for you information architecture that you prefer.
Honestly, I see the system supporting them all, and maybe one day it will. For one I am focused on three:
- Goals
- Projects
- Phases
In that order.
They increase in size and time length as it goes down, and fit within each other like a Matryoshka doll. Your goals lead you to complete projects, and your projects fit into your overall phases. One example that is burning in my brain as I write this to share, is the idea that phases are year long (maybe longer), Projects are quarterly (maybe as short as a month), and goals are the week or month long endeavors you aim towards.
Organizing all the way down the PIOS
You'll spend more time with this in the weekly level, but even on the monthly level I think it would be a good idea. For one organizing your Resonance Inbox so it doesn't get unwieldy.
Adding tags, setting up ideas for content/journal, and aligning with your Macro level. This also goes for the input and output databases too, as your Modegree and Content System can get quite large too.
By setting goals to organize, goals to learn, goals to create, then you put in your brain that this thing needs to be done. You're far more likely to actually go and do it too.
Projecting the Phases
Your phases are like my Modegree or Interviews, they are the main focus for that year or timespan. When you aim yourself towards the actions you wish to take, the you need some sort of mechanism to get those done.
Your projects act like the mediary, and they can be public too if you choose, which allows for greater accountability.
You should pick at least one personal, and one professional goal each quarter. Perhaps each month once you start getting the hang of things.
Could be a workout habit, could be a new content series, or it could be something completely different.
The bigger items that take multiple goals to accomplish, and overall could be endeavors like creating a template for Notion, mini series of content, growth hacking endeavor, etc.
Something that takes multiple projects and goals to get done. Perhaps even a few years.
I also view these as interleaving, as just because one starts a new phases, it doesn't mean the old one is defaulting to complete. Perhaps you reach a point in a phase where you can't continue, or maybe needs to be done over time. That is how I felt about my Modegree, I couldn't continue at that time. Posting just about my own diy Modegree wasn't going to help me grow, and creating content on the framework wasn't possible without and MVB (minimum viable build).
Now that the Notion Template is getting close to completion I can make that Phase more of a focus again.
Note: The Modular Degree template IS part of the PIOS, as it is an input for your life, and will be attached to the eventual PIOS template, as well as it's own template for those who just want that learning framework.
Let it Flow
It is all about organizing your goals into tasks, projects into goals and tasks, and phases into goals/tasks/projects.
The layers of abstraction help you think on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly scale!
Micro/Weekly - Tasks + Habits + Systems
Self-Improvement through Habits and Systems. Creating an organized life operating system. This is part of the Personal PolyInnovation System!
Learn about habits + systems
Goals mean nothing if your actions don’t work towards them, and we are systematic beings. There is no room for just waiting for tomorrow, we need to rely on our habits and systems to get things done!
The tool of choice that I use to do all of this research, habit tracking, and life organization (not to mention organizing for PolyInnovator and OmniContent), is Notion HQ. I chose this tool after trying dozens of others. I even wrote a long post on Medium a while back (remade for the OmniBlog), that listed out all of the Task and Project Management Tools out there.

Note: This section is still being fleshed out, so some topics are a bit short.
Day to Day Tracker
Your daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or EVEN yearly tracking
Yes it is more about how you start, which is the day you are on, today. Everything matters in the present, but it is very motivating to be able to look back and see man you did a year of the habit!
The tracking is to keep you on the path towards building the system, there hits a certain point where a habit becomes a system. It is hard to describe, and is an area I am learning more about myself. As if it becomes second nature, like me listening to music while I work.
Habit Building
This could be linked to your Input and Output databases, so you can check off that you created content today, or pursued some item in your Modegree. Perhaps checking off one of your workouts for the week.
Create Database and Pages for Useful Items
Such as your workout plan, recipe book, expenses log, and various others to keep track of your life.
Systems Check
By using Notion it allows you to create views of various databases, such as your learning Modegree, or the daily habits you pursue.
I am aiming for this level to be a consolidation dashboard for many of these.
Tracking Habits like Exercise
This is the place where your workout plan, meal prep, duolingo habit, etc would be.
Consistency of your Habits and Systems
What matters is that you keep these up. One example I give is that habits are like an hourglass. The compound effect can go both ways, if you build yourself up, then over time it will double/triple/etc.
However the opposite can be true, if you neglect your Four Pillars, and thereby habits. Then you start to degrade, and fail to live out your desires. That dissonance of what you think you should be, and what you are; It starts to create a negative mindset, which then drags you down further.
Currently this is the portion/segment of the PIOS where I am still building more info and tools on. Meaning my knowledge is vast in this area, as I have been pursuing the PIOS myself for over a decade (in various iterations). However I want to provide stronger tools, and system models more importantly to help you along with your journey. At this point in time I simply tell people to learn more about how habits actually work, how the brain works (so you know why habits form), and to go read Atomic Habits by James Clear.
The tool of choice that I use to do all of this research, habit tracking, and life organization (not to mention organizing for PolyInnovator and OmniContent), is Notion HQ. I chose this tool after trying dozens of others. I even wrote a long post on Medium a while back (remade for the OmniBlog), that listed out all of the Task and Project Management Tools out there.
Notion came on top because of the flexibility and control you have over it. Such as one feature that I love, is that each line in a database is it’s own page or document. Unlike other tools that have to link to a separate tool altogether like Google Docs.I encourage you to try out Notion, as it is one of the only companies I care about enough to call an affiliate to PolyInnovator. That is how much I enjoy using it.
Since that these are the only two resources to share at the moment, then stay tuned for when I have more to offer you!
Nano/Daily - Input + Output Flow
What you learn, and what you create end up becoming who you are. Whether you are starting a personal brand, or pursuing your own Modular Degree. This is the level to focus on.
Originally this was in the Meso/Monthly level, but I realized that I ended up using these databases on a daily basis anyways.
This is where I get my work done, and my learning done.
Creating views to make it easier to access, and these are also something I would put on the dashboard. Perhaps by default (which you can always change to your liking). That way you don't have to click 3 times to get to where you need to go. It is the reason why I made a quick menu on my dash.
This level is broken up into two, then two, which are Input and Output. Both of those have a public and private aspect.
The input are the Modegree and Resonance Inbox. Your learning should be shared with others, such as on LinkedIn so that you can prove that you know that knowledge. However the inbox is more like an advanced bookmark list or getpocket aggrgator. Allowing you to save articles, and organize in a much deeper way.
The ouput are the personal branding, which is your content production, and you sharing what you have learned with the world.
The other is a sort of journaling, for it could be Bullet Journal, or even Zettlekasten. It doesn't quite matter, and some people may choose to do this in Roam or Obsidian just for the information linking.
Taking in new information is key for neuroplasticity, and continued growth. We are learning beings by nature, and that does not just stop at childhood. People often stop learning nearly as much once they leave school, and that can dramatically increase your chances for Alzheimers and Dementia.
Not to mention impairing you from success, by not teaching yourself new skills that will help you across your life.
The Modular Degree
A self-education endeavor I created to be my Do It Yourself degree system. It is a framework to organize all of your learning modalities. From the courses you take, to the books and podcasts you read/listen.
By organizing it then you can sort based on topic, get a holistic approach, and interleave various information together like a thread. To increase your overall understanding, and continue your learning over time.
It also allows for transcontextual thinking, and inspires polymathy into people by giving you choice in the skill tree-like learning experience. Inducing great ideas to come forth, and you can then turn that into OUTPUT content. Proving your knowledge.
Your Resonance Inbox
A giant list, but it is more than that. With the Notion web clipper you can save each page you like into a database. That scrapes the text for you, so you never lose that article (which I have in the past with basic bookmarks), and you can tag/organize each item much more effectively.
Let's say you only want to focus on this topic this month, or you want to create a content series based around this topic. Then you can sort the database/list into just that one topic, and then do a sprint that way.
Additionally, you get a far more manageable system than web browser bookmarks, or getpocket gives you.
What you do with your input is important, and how you use it can also show the world what you know.
Even if you are just journaling to yourself, there is a massive boost in retention by doing so. I often encourage people to make content out there in the world. Who knows if the thing you are looking up has much information covering it? Even still if it does, who is to say that the way YOU explain it isn't better than everyone else?
Never underestimate the power of transconfiguration, by taking what YOU learned, and explaining it in YOUR way.
Content Creating
Look I am thinking the person reading this isn't much of a creator yet, but if you are then increase your output! If not then start small, pick one platform/content type. I.e. Blog/written, Video/Youtube, audio/podcast, and stick to that for a while. Whatever makes you least uncomfortable, and you can get better at getting out of your comfort zone over time. I struggled with videos when I first started, and now I love them.
Airtext.xyz is a blockchain based blog site, and so you could get ahead of web3 that way. Not to mention most people don't know about it yet, so you could hide your content on there for a while until you are ready to show the world. Just start creating, and building that habit.
Journaling and Self-Reflection
This can be public or private, doesn't really matter, as my Fireside Codex is like my public Journal. However most people will keep a bullet journal in their notion or physical book.
That is a great way to write down your ideas, daily meditations, and occurrences.
Take what you have learned, and DO something with it!
Pico/Hourly - Archive (Formerly Tasks and TimeBlocking)
Taking your tasks and finding the time in your day, week, month to actually DO them. I fought the timeblocking idea for years, and now it is helping me out.
I recently changed this to be the Archive layer, and it holds my extra notes, templates, and more.
Ask yourself what are the things/items that will get me where I need to be next in life. Pick 2-3 to start with, and then get those done. Forget the "eat the frog" mentality, where you get the hardest thing done first. That can be daunting, and if you are just starting out on the positive hourglass compound effect, then it can be really hard.
Focus on one thing that day, that can be your win for that day. That is your main goal.
- Step 1, create a list of items/periods/sections that need to be timeblocked
- Choose your tool of choice, my own being Google Calendar and Notion
- Figure out the time periods of your day that you can control (i.e. not sleep hours, work hours (unless that is part of the scheduling), or free/leisure time
- In those blocks in your day (either Deep Work style or Pomodoro Technique, or both) decide which ones need to be WORK PLAY or GROWTH (Perhaps REFLECT too)
- Finally, squeeze one section for each of those blocks into each day. Perhaps find some days that focus on each of those more. Separate the big tasks from the small tasks
Break it down to Minor and Major
You have your minor items like brushing your teeth, duolingo, meditation, etc.
Then your major items like weekly podcast, workouts, job, clients, etc.
List out each one, and make sure the item is in the right column. Then you can put down your items onto your weekly template. See what fits where, this is like putting together lego. You gotta experiment to see what things should go where. As I mentioned in a previous level your circadian rythym comes into play a lot, and here especially. Knowing when your most awake hours are, and most tired is very important to timeblocking.
Then once you get the template filled out to the best of your ability, then you can put it on your actual Google or Apple Calendar.
Creating weekly tasks, events, or reminders (I used a lot of reminders), to keep it all flowing. I like being notified when the next thing is, but maybe you don't. Play around with the calendar settings, and the event settings.
I also use multiple calendars in one.
The 2025 Update:
The PIOS has evolved a lot since it's inception. I remember on 3 occasions having these "eureka moments" where something just clicked, and I was able to expand upon an idea more deeply.
While it started in Notion I am now in Obsidian, but really the tool can work in a variety of PKM tools. I often say it is tool agnostic.
Check out the new version of this new framework and post:

When you are able to balance the various levels of abstraction to your life, then that is when you are going to start seeing more success!
#PIOS #supersystem #LifeOS #SecondBrain #SystemsThinking #GTD