NOW Page #3 Oct

TL:DR | October is going to be a weird month, and let's get that OmniContent made!

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What am I doing... NOW? Oct 2020

Now I wasn't as successful with last month's goals, which were to organize the various pages on the site. For example the Personal PolyInnovation System. I did however work on them, and thought about how to create them. As well as, I have been talking about the concepts, systems, and reasons why those pages exist to other people. Like today actually I was on a podcast where I explained them.

Here soon hopefully I'll work on that more. What I have been doing instead is research, research, research, and oh yeah more research. I get it, when you read something like that on a site, that it is annoying. However it really is true, I am working on the Polymath or Multidisciplinary (Haven't decided on which to call it) Spectrum. Where I talk about the terms like Multipotentialite, Jack of All Trades, and of course Polymath on a Spectrum where people can fit into.

So what I did was search on all major platforms from Google, Mix, YT, Bing, and more for EACH term. In the end I had 100's of tabs open of articles, research papers, videos, and podcasts all on those terms. I've been going through each and adding them to the OmniContent database. Meaning each term gets it's own OmniContent Sprint, and I'll include the links into each. So that you all can see them too!

As well as, I have continued to interview various super interesting people. Now resting at 54 people, but another dozen on the way. I don't intend on slowing down, as things right now are still prime for interviewing with people still at home a lot.

Finally, I have been working on the Notion Life Operating System project. Which I had originated from August Bradley's YT channel, as well as Tiago Fortes' Second Brain Concept. I wanted to combine ALL of the Notion youtuber's concepts for, and once I get a nice system like that I can use. Then all of these other projects could go a lot more smoothly.

P.S. Since I try to be as honest and open as I can on these updates, there is something else I've been working on. My old hobby of Spriting/Mapping. Which essentially means 2D video game character/world graphics design. I brought that back out of curiosity/interest sake.

In a bigger view #MACRO

What's Coming up?

I feel sad for getting rid of all the last month's text, as a lot of that is still coming up, but I wanted to rewrite it in a more concise manner. Basically still working on the video subscription platform idea, which would have plenty of free content, as well as some exclusive video series.

The Personal PolyInnovation System stuff is still a priority, including but not limited to the Modular Education Platform that I am creating. #LMS #moddegree

As for next project beyond what I mentioned in the current endeavors, I am thinking about a Micro-SaaS for Omnichannel marketing. It would help me with the problems I've been facing as a creator myself, and could lead to an income that would help me work on PolyInnovator more!

The thing you should look forward to most right now is the Polymath Spectrum Mini Series for OmniContent. It is my next thing I am making. The only few things that are slowing me down are the Notion OS, Weekly Interviews (which is totally worth it), and my own laziness (honestly I'm not that bad, but I give myself crap).


Watch or check out latest update on the main page/playlist!

NOW Page #2 Sept
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NOW Page #2 Sept

Second time coming around to the NOW page concept! Seeing how this goes, and it feels like a unique way to document my life.

There’s No Such Thing as Race
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There’s No Such Thing as Race

Cutural Diversity, and Openness. Creating prosperity through unity, no matter what skin color, ethnic background, or DNA.

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