Join PolyPRO

Welcome to the paid side of PolyInnovator, and whether you are looking for courses, mega-posts, coaching, a reader on the OmniBlog wanting the more in depth articles, or simply wanting to support me and my work. All of you are important to me, and I want to provide as much value as I can.

When I started content creation I had to work 2-3 jobs in order to pay the bills, then I would go home at night and work on PolyInnovator. The funny thing is with swimming and exercise I never had a day off, there was always something on the weekends or evenings. What kept me going was the idea that I could go home and create more, work on the website, or reach out to cool people like you.

Meaning after signing up, there will be 1-2 super-posts a month that you can look forward to. I am currently figuring out when it best to post them, either biweekly or when they happen to occur. The reason why they are so fantastic/powerful, is because I write them in the Flow of a topic.

When I wrote my post on How to Go OmniChannel or The Tao of Po, the ☯︎ Polymath of Kung Fu, I wrote them in the flow of that subject. I was feeling super passionate about them, and in the latter case I was doing my own multiple rabbit holes. Digging into unique resources that I then shared in the post.

PolyPRO Members

I created a couple dozen or so "Pro Members Only" posts before, that are the aforementioned super-posts. Which means most of those you can see once a member, and see if you like the format. Meaning it is like a trial of the PolyPRO, allowing you to taste the super informative/powerful posts that I write in that style, before paying for the new ones. I wanted to give as much reason for someone to sign up to PolyPRO as possible, and if you can't see what they look like then how would you know?

There are some paid only posts too, that you'll get access to once you pay the subscription. Then afterwards all of the new ones will be paid only.

What do YOU get out of it?

Ever since I ever started working I have always been in the mindset of serving others. When I create content that too is what I think of, and I try to provide as much value as I can into a post.

Whether that is the format, the quality of work, or amount of channels that content reaches. I try to make it as best as I can for you.

That is my FREE content, and so I thought to myself what can I do to make my paid even more appealing? What I concluded on was creating super posts, and ultra personal ones, that you wouldn't get elsewhere. For example one of the first PolyPro Written Posts I made was on the Kardashev Scale, which I would argue is one of the BEST posts on that topic on the internet. I would know because I read 90% of them when making that post, and linked to as many as I could.

The same goes for a video platform, however I need to still develop that. I'd want to cross post my free videos, but also have the paid videos on top of that. There was a tool that worked for a time, but it depreciated. Whenever the written posts generate more income I'll pay for Uscreen which will work well.

I also thought if you care that much to subscribe, then you'll probably want the latest news as well, even before everyone else. So if I ever have a secret project, or unique idea, that isn't ready for full time exposure. Then I could send it out via PolyPRO members first.

I see a coaching option?

Finally, you get closer access to me, especially as I am starting out. I want to connect with people who care about the same things I do. Perhaps a collaboration, individual calls, group calls, and other really cool opportunities can come forth this way. I give out knowledge like it is candy too, so things that I teach may be explained in a different way via our unique conversations.

After teaching people to swim for over a decade I moved on towards making more digital education. Including digital swim lessons, content creation coaching, knowledge management coaching, and more.

Where the Money Goes to!

I created PolyInnovator to be the foundation for many phases, but many of you will know me for the Multidisciplinary Spectrum, as well as the Modular Degree. The former being the content around discovering your own multidisciplinary lifestyle, and finding out where you may be on the spectrum. I.e. Generalist, Specialist, or even Polymath.

The latter being the Modegree, a system for Modular Education, started by me to organize my own self-education. However since then has grown to be a system other people can apply towards their own pathways as well.

When you support me, then you support these causes, and help me pay for bills while I’m focusing on working on PolyInnovator. Like I said I’ve literally worked three jobs just to pay my rent, so that I could come home and work on this stuff. Even today as I write this, I got home, and went straight to working on all of this. The more help I get the less stress I will have to go through, that I have living paycheck to paycheck.

Free Members vs Paid Members

When you sign up for the newsletter and site, then you get access to the weekly newsletters. I have three at the moment, the Polymath Wiki series for multidisciplinary people, Mr. Dustin's Swim Academy for people wanting to learn how to swim, the PIOS Update (if you want to learn more about PKM), and finally the Generalist Gamer newsletter (a gaming centric subscription). All of which are your choice which you sign up for, and in becoming a member it also allows you to access some posts behind the member-only-wall (which is just a block for some posts that only free members and pro members can see).

When you subscribe you automatically become a member, and can read the free members posts. The PolyPRO posts are one step up!

What happens if I unsubscribe from newsletters but stay member?

Or maybe you just want access to various posts that are member only (not paid ones of course). Then you are able to do so.

What do you have to pay?

The Pricing Plans may be subject to change over the course of the first few years, as any membership blog does. However I have tried to keep it the same, and I grandfather prices if you sign up now too! I'm offering a discount for those who read this page!

Alex Sebby Dustin Miller knows an exceptional amount about social media. My one hour conversation with him has almost doubled my prior knowledge. I highly recommend doing a one hour consultation with him.

Not only do you help me live the life that I dream of, but you help me on the journey of becoming a Polymath of Innovation. So that I can truly make a change in the world!

The goal of the membership is to give people who want to pay an option with rewards. Ghost allows for unique memberships, and I wanted to put my super-posts behind that paywall.

If you are interested, then you can find me @polyinnovator on Ko-Fi, Or use one of my recommendations to send me a commission each time you buy that product/service. This truly helps me, and from the bottom of my heart I thank you.
-Dustin M. PolyInnovator