TL:DR | How to make a change on every level, and curating the change process with your goals. Looking forward to what could be.

2 min read


The process of correctly your environment to suit the needs of the situation.

You need to manipulate your life into a more formulated approach. Creating a newfound experience, multiplied by simply how much effort you put in.

You can change your life dramatically just by doing that.

Understand that the process may not always be easy, but if you continue down the path it will be worth it.


Set your goals out in front of you, make yourself accountable, and you will find that it is much easier to change than you may think.

Possibly the easiest way to change, is by using the drive of passion to overcome the struggle. I recently have done that within the past year, I wanted to go full onto my goals. I reached new heights, and changed my life quite epicly.

I created a new sleep regime that honestly is hard to do sometimes even now, but I get up realizing the reason why I do this, and I push myself farther.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

If you want to change your life for the better, then it is wise to change the lives of the people around you!

Going Forward.

You must incorporate what you want done in the world, into your own life. For how can you expect to change anything externally, if you do not change anything internally?

Fireside Codex 🧠 - PolyInnovator LLC | Official Website for Dustin Miller
Welcome to Dustin Miller’s Fireside Codex by me, Dustin Miller POLYINNOVATOR. A spinoff of sorts of the PolyInnovator blog, which think of this like a bullet journal, personal codex, or Da Vincian notes. #Polymath of #Innovation

Cheers, and #makeachange!

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