While Zeemo71 may not mean much for you, it was my online name for most of my early life. I've been a techie since a young age. I used that moniker for quite a long time. Now it is mainly phased out, so any identity thieves out there don't get too excited! lol
How it came to be, and how my current name originated is an interesting tale; Here it is for you.

Note I'm no longer on Podcast co but rather on Transistor now but this link should work.
A World of Digimon
Growing up I loved a variety of shows and anime, one of which was the Digimon series, and there happened to be a game that I was fond of. That game being Digimon World 4 on the PS2 (didn't have a gamecube). In that game you could choose between four starter characters, that each could digivolve on their own lines.
You chose between the four, and then chose a name. Usually people just left the name of the digimon there, and continued on. I tried doing that with my favorite, Veemon, but alas the controller was being annoying. I had changed the V to a Z, and forgot the "n" at the end. Thus Veemon became Zeemo, and I loved it. Pure coincidence I came up with a world (which it seems some people in the world have too, maybe a name i.e. Baron Zemo).
I put a couple numbers that were important to me at the end in an effort to make a username that would work for a site. Zeemo71 was born, and most of my spriting career was under that name even.
PolyULCian of the United Living Construct
Years later I would be working on the base version of the U.L.C., an innovation hub organization I was aiming to create. I thought up of these roles of "ULCians", such as Uniters, Leaders, and Creators. Those being the people that would make up the organization.
Those that followed a more polymathic approach (in the end that was the goal), then would be called PolyULCians.
Me being the first person in the org, and the first to try to be all three; I then adopted that moniker as my own. Hoping that it would become my personal brand, but alas the complexity of the name. Let alone what an ULCian even was, lead me to think of a different word to be named after.

A Polymath of Innovation
Luckily I didn't spend too much time as PolyULCian to impact my SEO much, and so I somehow quite rapidly came up with PolyInnovator. Which stands for a Polymath of Innovation.
This has become my defacto online presence, and even my name in some cases. I often tell podcast hosts for example, that I care more about my PolyInnovator name than my actual Dustin one. This is my personal brand, that incorporates all of the various octopus arms of my online content ecosystem. Including the various gaming streams as well.
PolyInnovator Gaming
Here we come to the modern day, and I wanted to start streaming again. Let alone creating content around gaming.
This story was something that I wanted to talk about for quite some time too.
This started out as a PolyInContent episode for the main PolyInnovator site, but I realized it fits better here in the gaming newsletter.
I hope today has given you a nice glimpse into my history, and why I am who I am today!