Shaping the Future of my Gaming Content: Insights on Embracing Pokémon Innovation
Over my life one of my favorite franchises has been Pokemon. I used to collect anything and everything that was PKMN merch.
When I started playing the games it was all down hill from there. Played most of them through the 3ds era, and even Sword after.
Over the last decade I have played numerous romhacks as well.
Finding that they add a different layer of nostalgia, mechanics, regions, and twists. That PKMN co would almost never do, such as add in the Orange islands.
I want to build out an audience of PKMN and monster taming fans. Share that love for the series, and for games like it. Then after I gain some time back from my current other projects. I can focus on building out my game.
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This is a series I came up with around the advent of AI tools like ChatGPT, that helped me flesh out my ideas in more detail. I created my own IP, concepts, and even terminology and type chart.
Until I have something of a demo ready, then I have been a bit slow to share updates and information. However I have plans for the first region almost completed, and the next two games after as well. Even have some ideas to connect with the RPG saga I have in mind as well.
So this is something that would be big I just know it!