If you do not stay moving in the pool, then you will fall towards the bottom.
The crazy thing is even if you naturally float a bit more than most people, that this will still be true for you too. To a degree.
You have to stay moving fast enough to keep yourself high enough to move your arms and head effectively.
Why + Philosophy:
I'm always talking about going forward, its all about that forward movement. However in order to achieve that, then you must do the 3 steps of swimming properly.
If you falter or skip any of them, then you are going to sink. No ifs, ands, or buts.
By keeping your propulsion strong, then you'll be able to do the more advanced things like breathing, turning, and speeding up.
How + Physics:
If you kick too slow, even at a good form, then you're going to start to go down a bit. As long as you are straight legged, then you should at least be towards the top of the water. However to start compounding your speed, then you need to kick a bit faster.
Although it isn't as important as the other two steps in this particular case...
The second step is keeping your face down, and the more advanced side of it being "chin down" too.
When doing this you decrease the drag your body adds to the movement. Allowing you to cut through the water faster. Thus when you move faster, you will fall downward less.
Finally, if you add the arms, which are purely acceleration focused. Then you will go even faster. This goes for even if you aren't purposely trying to sprint or race. Eventually you add your breathing in too, but that actually hinders your speed.
What + Psychology:
The point of this post is that I want you to start thinking about how your movement deters you from sinking down. I personally sink like a rock, so it is very apparent to me each time I swim.
I have to fight against it, and sometimes that bias limits me on floating or just going with the flow. As I am constantly thinking about sinking.
However you may be different, and I want you to have that awareness regardless.
Even if your goal is not related to speeding up or trying to prepare for a race. I want you to train a bit towards that, as it will help you in the normal swimming too.
It is all about momentum, and keeping that movement going!