Understanding the PolyInnovator Ecosystem

TL:DR | It is more than just the OmniContent! The way I see it, is that it is an interconnected system of content. Each helping each other, and leading into one another.

3 min read
Understanding the PolyInnovator Ecosystem

The way I see it, is that it is an interconnected system of content. Each helping each other, and leading into one another. Sure I would like people to go to my site, but if I get them to go my YouTube instead, or my TikTok, then that is great too!

Original Post: I am thinking about moving my blog(s), including this one (on substack), to a new home. Currently substack seems really cool, and I was dismissive of it at first. Not unlike how I was with my favorite tool too, notion.so, which makes it a good sign for me. However despite my minimalism habits, there is a lacking essence of PolyInnovator to it. I’d much rather have my dark background for example.

Well you are on the new site, and I had tried substack for a while. However it didn't fully do what I wanted. Even though it was minimalist, which I liked, but so is Ghost. Now I am able to simplify the overall collection of posts of many kinds, all into one system. Go explore!


I see the Ecosystem expanding out from the basic Pillars, that much is normal for any content creator. Some prefer blogs, others videos, and some even podcasts, and the few prefer all three. When you know how to repurpose well, the latter becomes a lot easier. Although I wanted to take it a step further, with my OmniContent, which is essentially Omnichannel Content Experience. That is the best way to explain it, and that would mean that each episode or sprint (can’t figure out what to call it… errr OmniContent Piece) is multi-format.

Blog > Slidedeck* (may go, may stay) > Video > PolyCast

That way I get 3-4 Major Content Pillars to work from, and each could go into various microcontent ways. Repurpose.io is my source for a lot of those. Canva for a lot of the imagse (although Bannerbear and Placid.app go a long way!). I am currently looking for ways to automate certain parts of my system, like for example I’d love to automate the social sharing when a new piece comes out. However it just doesn’t seem to work with most tools frustratingly, which is the origin behind the OmniContent Tool idea. Although other areas could be how I use Notion as a content production machine, and productivity organizer.

What I am hoping to do by moving to maybe Ghost CMS, is to organize each content type into Tags. As unlike wordpress there isn’t custom post types, but in reality I don’t need much in the way of different formatting. I don’t intend on having sidebars much anyways.


I do want to find some way to make PolyPro a thing, and in the past I thought that had to do with Patreon or Uhmi.io, but I think now it just simply means memberships with special content. In fact during this writing I went to go check out Uhmi again because they are making a unique platform for content hosting, same with specialproject.io

Not sure which one to pick! haha Although both seem great, and would take care of the exclusive video/audio content. Whereas Ghost CMS would give you written content. Maybe I can find a way to embed certain videos into PolyPro Tag, so that if you are a Pro member you can see those on the home site as well. Special is really cool because it acts like a YouTube and Netflix hybrid.

I already have a ton of Mini-Series planned out, and perhaps even some Special Exclusive Original Series down the line.

This way PolyPros get membership across platforms ideally, otherwise it may be platform centric. Although I’ll strive to make awesome unique stuff. I am already creating a community, and tribe for Polymathic people too. That is another area of interest for building up the PolyInnovator Community as a whole.

For Written there will be:

OmniBlog (Anything, including OmniContent), Fireside Codex (like this post), Documentation, Transcriptions from the PolyCast, and stuff for PolyPro.

For TeleInnovator there will be:

Regular videos (few and far inbetween), OmniContent vids (Main essentially), The Polymath PolyCast Interviews, Vlogs, NOW Page Vlogs, Gaming Videos I presume, and perhaps something more! Not to mention Special and/or Uhmi PolyPro Vids.

For PolyCasts there will be:

Interviews, PolyCasts (Regular 15-30min), Micro-PolyCasts (3-10min), OmniContent PolyCasts, and probably some sort of PolyPro Audio Experience.

Now that is all of the basic content, not including social media posts, and things like all of the various platforms I am on. As well as, the various books and courses I intend to make!

The OmniContent CMS
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The OmniContent CMS

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