In a world full of content being posted every day, then how do you express yourself uniquely to stand out? Do you make faster edits/cuts, do you talk about something obscure, or do you just do you?
This is what I asked myself ages ago, and I thought that either the polymathy or the special strategy I'd do would be that difference.
Maybe it still will be, but it wasn't before. I failed to grow, and that is how it is for most creators. Even ones that have more adoptable topics than innovation and polymathy.
I’m not sure, but what I am sure about is that I had something I wanted to talk about. In reality that was world change, and self-education/self-development. Those two topics were the forefront of my previous endeavor, the United Living Construct, and when I started my personal brand PolyInnovator; They really took center stage, especially the self-edu. I started out with the concept of a do it yourself degree, and ran with that. Learning how to create videos, and continuing to make podcasts.
I was Innovating the Education space, which is the path that I followed for a while.
As I learned more how to do it, then I also learned more about what I wanted to create.
Experience makes Perfect
Now after a few hundred videos later, few hundred podcasts later, and over 640 blog posts later. I have found more of where I am supposed to be.
I organize my content trajectory over the course of years in the view of “phases”. What phase am I in right now? Well I am on the verge of a new one, and basically they are intersecting. One reason why I am so overwhelmed actually, as I am trying to finish the first one, while also sowing the seeds for the next.
I created my Modular Degree as a means to show off my Self-Edu, and as a system for people to copy to make their own. However I have yet to release the template for it, and with that release I’d need content explaining it. That was the first phase, and I sort of capped it off with the Notion template. However after changing it so many times over the years, and now I need templates for other tools too.
That is what I have been working on all year, and at the same time my other smaller endeavors. Such as my newsletters, as the sooner they started the quicker I could grow. I'm currently doing a Blitz of content, and one of the sprints in that is to make the Polymathy newsletter at least 1 year ahead.
The Video Content
TeleInnovator was the term I coined for my video content, and the PolyCast was that for the audio content. Those being two out of three main content pillar types, the other being written blogs/newsletters. I wanted to highlight them today, as they have changed.
The YouTube channel is now more than 3 channels.
The topics have evolved from Self-Education PKM, to simply PKM entirely, but with a lens for Polymathic people. Then I also made new channels for PolyTools and Gaming as well.
I depreciated the TeleInnovator name, as cool as it was, it didn't make as much sense to people.
The Audio Content
While I still call my show The Polymath PolyCast, it is a podcast after. I originally hated that word, and I'm still not a fan of it. However for SEO purposes I got over it. Also since then I made a new podcast for creators on the PolyTools brand.
Perhaps might make more mini shows, such as one for swimming down the line.
Being a multidisciplinary creator is hard, as there are a lot of things I want to talk about. However the more I go wide, the harder it is for people to find more of what they like.
Sometimes when you want to go wide, then you need to just make multiple brands. Although it is hard to know when you should.
You will find that my umbrella “meta-niche” is all around polymathy, or being a highly skilled multidisciplinary person. Those are my main audience people, but since that is technically a broad subject, and more of a lifestyle I need to get more niche.
Hence the phases, and those phases lead into sub-niches that are more specific. The first being Self-education through the Modular Degree, the (sorta )2nd is around How to Swim (as that is a deep knowledge area for me). Eventually I’ll be making more gaming or music based content, but for now it is those two.
All in all, this is just a quick post to help people get an idea of what I am up to, and more on what I am about!
The PolyCast Ending?
Oh I almost forgot! I've mentioned this a few times in videos I think, and I'll go over it in the final PolyCast of the 7th season.
However I found myself creatively tired, especially since I'm doing a Blitz of content right now. I find that the PolyCast seasons should be roughly 6 months long, and if they last a year long. Then that is OKAY, but not ideal. Thus I wanted to finish it by the end of December 2024. That didn't happen.
Between how much effort interviews take out of me, I might even pause the Creator show too for bit, and how long this season lasted. I want to take a break. The PolyCast isn't ENDING for good, but it does need some time to breath. There are literally HUNDREDS of episodes, and 99% of them are evergreen. Please check out the catalog!

Previous Shorter Version
This was one of my "social articles", an experiment to create medium sized blog posts, akin to newsletters. Across a variety of social blogging networking platforms. Such as Medium, Vocal Media, and Linkedin. Since it didn't quite land; I decided to take these posts and remake them into more full length creations.
Honestly this social blog evolved more than most of them, as the changes I made have been dramatic. While I probably won't END the PolyCast, there is definitely a lot more changes that have happened since this original posting.