New Way to Pursue Education Because of this Free Modular Education Opportunity!

Why is Education Changing?
With the rise of Education Technology, such as Learning Management Systems (LMS), Massively Open Online Courses (MOOC’s), Open Course Ware (OCW), Blockchain IPFS, and many other distribution channels. There is a plethora of options to find information on the internet.
The need for new innovations in the edu space has been large for a century now. Ever since colleges sprung up with the lecture format in the 20th century during the Industrial Revolution. There has been little to no change in higher education (in particular).
How This is Happening
From the likes of edX, Praxis, Coursera, PolyInnovator, and plenty of others. There are new schools of thought on how the future of education will evolve. The consensus is that education is gearing towards individualized learning experiences, with modular “lego-like” formats to be implemented.
This “Education Revolution” really inspires me to #MAKEACHANGE myself, which is why I create all this content around:
- Self-Development
- Self-Improvement
- Self-Education
As well as how they all relate to your growth
What it Means for YOU
All of this gives rise to the opportunities in your future as well. This honestly is super exciting. I tend to lean on the Polymathic side, so no official education was going to be enough for my interests. This is why I created a Modular Degree, and so can you!
You can collect the courses online, curate them into an easy to digest “todo list” so to speak, or in this case Google Sheets.
Then break them up into Semesters, Subjects, and life-changing tools!
How to Create Your Own Degree, Short-List:
Going in the way of the Do It Yourself mentality, which is why I used to call it a “Do It Yourself Degree”. You are maximizing your interest and commitment to the degree by creating it for yourself.
I think that is a really valuable and important point.
Mastering yourself enough to hunker down and take online education, is not something everyone is built for…yet. I am sure future generations will laugh at the premade course paths we choose to go on now. When an AI develops theirs they will forget that it started by the people who is reading this right now. The pioneers in Modular Self-Education!
How to Structure the Semesters
I went way over board, and curated a list of over 450 courses. Not to mention books, articles, and videos (which I definitely have gone through a lot). Meaning I really had a beast to tackle and organize.
Granted for me it didn’t take long because I knew what I wanted. Which was to create a pathway for my ideal career:
“To create a synergy in three fields: Global Sustainability Development, Innovation/Project Management, and Social Entrepreneurship.”
That is a lofty goal to say the least, overly ambitious to say the most. However I don’t foresee myself taking any other path. Sure things will shape differently, but the end result will more than likely be the same. That is what a north star is like, and it lead me through my semesters.
Which I had to break up (at the time it was just 400) into 10 Semesters, each with their own theme/subject. One key thing to note is that I courses from other semesters scattered about to interleave and repeat information again and again.
How to Structure the Modules
I took quite a lot of care in the order of courses more so than the collecting. Meaning you can collect as much as you want, just be smart about it. If you have any doubt you won’t complete it then don’t add it!
You can just always trim the fat later too!
Overall focus on what your goals are for that semester. For example my first one is Business, so I want to maximize knowledge in that field. I have MBA courses, accounting, government even. However I wanted to prepare for my next semester which is Information Technology, so I have a Comptia Network+ certification in there as well in the first semester. Preparation is key my friends!

Future PolyInnovator Academy Courses:
The PolyInnovator Academy is a project I am currently working on, that will more than likely replace the website I have now. (If you have concerns about that because you like the user experience I have now please do let me know asap!) On top of this new platform will be the landing page for the PolyInnovator Content, as well as beneath will be a powerful LMS for student progress and learning! :D
“Skill Tree Based Learning”:
A concept I coined based on the video game industry, as it can reflect changes over time. Within the parameters of the video game of course, and it is a unique idea to tag into not only learning gamification. As well as making courses more interesting, and dynamic (for interleaving, better for the psychology).
“Create Your Own Modular Degree”:
This pilot course will be based on module steps to not only getting started with your degree, but a bit into the studies as well. Maximizing the retention is something that needs to be addressed quickly, but understanding why and how are more crucial.
On top of that there is a need for creating your list of courses, and study materials. I am sure there will be an advanced course following it after as well.