This is a blog post curating all of the micro episodes from the third season of the Polymath PolyCast. The show has many series, and although the micro series I find to be the most fluid. Meaning the topics vary even more, and they also are usually one of kind. Meaning you often can't find a video/blog/podcast about the topic elsewhere. At least not the same sort of ideas being shared.
I created these curated lists so that if you came to my content ecosystem at a later time, then you can still enjoy these older episodes. As they still probably have strong relevance even at that future time.

Season 3 Epic Launch!
At this time I was experimenting with format types for the kickoff of a new season, and the wrapping up of a season. Since I go with the flow of the content series of the various PolyCasts I can't necessarily tell you all what will come in the season.
Except for the basic stuff like format of the weeks, or perhaps some topics I have planned. This epic launch was a way for me to share my excitement for the truly amazing episodes to come. One of the strongest seasons of the Polymath Polycast honestly.

Transfer Protocols and Transfers of Knowledge
I wanted to share the concept of IPFS, as even still at the time of this writing there is not enough content out there about it. This was a simple yet complicated micro episode around the transfer protocols on the internet.

Polymath Competition
It is so weird, with any "niche" you are bound to find people who are stubborn. However it seems with the polymathy meta-niche it is a bit more open. We want more people talking about polymaths and generalists.
There is a bit of an open arms, at least in my opinion, however there is also this disdain of the ego. On top of that some folks want to hide their content completely behind paywalls, or block others from being in networks/conferences.
It is a weird dynamic, that I find I want my actions to be the opposite. Open and encouraging to those who wnat to be multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary.

The Fireside Codex
An interesting concept, sort of an online journal, and one that I hoped would be something I could do all the time. I still treat them a bit too much like blog posts, even though they are separate.
I created it on Airtext, then substack, and it is the latter where I focused on expanding it more.

100th PolyCast Celebration and Update!
Going over the celebration of 100 episodes, a big milestone, and puts me past most shows that fail. Currently at the time of this writing I am approaching 200!

The Rise of the PolyInnovator Ghost Website
Ohhhhh if only I had known what hell I was about to go through with this Ghost CMS site!!
The trials came down to my limited coding knowledge, but I learn quickly. It was just that even professionals were having hell with getting things like the drop down menu to work.
I found the most efficient way to upload a new theme any time I made a change, instead of using a local version. It may not be the best, but I want to see it on the live site. Since then I've played with the style, and added even more content. Even some hidden stuff too for people to find.

Sprints and Cycles
The flow of life, and the FLOW cycle. Finding where your brain, focus, and rituals of life are in your daily habits.

PPS - Habits and Systems
Expanding upon the previous one about habits, this is the precursor to the PolyInnovation Operating System.

I am like a Stock Reel of Information
When I teach I go off, and give as much info as I can without overloading a person. Sometimes I still do, but that is only if they are a slow learner. ;)
Most of the time though I have something to offer.

There wasn't a whole lot of them...
During this season of the PolyCast I was focusing most on getting my interviews out the door. Thereby even having a 40 days of Polycasts to be more efficient. Ironically that bit me in the butt, as my repurpose tool failed to syndicate HD versions of the interviews. I digress.
Since the time was focused more on the long form content, then the short form Micro-Polycasts got the short end of the stick. No pun intended...
It was around this time I was thinking about what the best flow was for these episodes. I wanted to release ANY podcast at least 5 times a week. One OmniContent, one interview, and perhaps around 3 micro episodes.
However I got lucky if I got one out, and I think over the next couple seasons that improved. Although it seems like now still, it is a matter of about 1 a week.