Season One of The Fireside Micro-PolyCast

TL:DR | A new series curating all of the Fireside Micro-PolyCast episodes into one post. From the very start of the series to the end of the first season!

10 min read
Season One of The Fireside Micro-PolyCast

The FMP is a short form podcast/polycast style audio series, that focuses on unique ideas or topics. Some things that just doesn't get talked about much, such as the future of social media, or perhaps I get overwhelmed with excitement about a topic. In one cause Notion or Nootropics for example.

The first season of The Polymath Polycast is an amalgamation of all of the audio content I had made up to that point. From the U.L.C. and OmniContent, all the way to the FMP first episodes. The latter being recorded on Anchor, and then painstakingly moved to when I joined it all together.

The next few seasons have more of a flow with the start of interviews, more OmniContent, and even medium length #Polycasts.

A Quick Rundown of the Series:

Since this is a new OmniBlog/PolyCast series I wanted to just kickstart it by sharing my intentions. I find that since my seasons don't have a set order of episodes for the most part; The likelihood of you or other subsribers finding my old episodes remains low.

However given that 80% of ALL of my content in the PolyInnovator Ecosystem is "evergreen", it means that no matter when you check out a post that it should still be relevant. Some details may not stick as well as if it was fresh, but me talking about Notion back in 2020 is still an interesting topic.

Or how Decentralized systems and platforms work, which is ever more important now. Maybe more so, since the Web3 is around the corner.

The way this post is structured is Title, embed of episode, maybe a description if calls for it, and the link to it.


Oh man this one is interesting because even back in January 6th of 2020, I was trying to create 100 pieces of content a day. Even further back since my ideal of the OmniContent was planned for 2019 even.

Being omnichannel and micro-content was the goal, and this episode talked more about a blockchain tool that no longer exists it seems. However the idea I wanted to share was that creating content for the blockchain in addition to traditional media platforms.

Decentralized [Fireside Micro-PolyCast] - The Polymath PolyCast with Dustin Miller
Quick run down of my current actions and mindset. These micro PolyCasts take the form of informal thought processes, that I wanted to share with all of you in a fireside chat style format.

Zigurat / Smart City Development Degree

Literally my biggest motivator for starting PolyInnovator in the FIRST PLACE, was to document my journey through the Modular Degree or DIY Degree as I called it at the time.

I made that DIY degree because I couldn't find one for the topics I wanted to learn for my future career. That being working in Smart City Development. In around 2019 I found Zigurat in Spain that had a masters level degree in that field. I was super convinced in taking it. Although I was still trying to figure out how, and understand myself as why I was so excited.

Zigurat / Smart City Development Degree [Fireside Micro-PolyCast] - The Polymath PolyCast with Dustin Miller
Today I share my motivation letter to the aforementioned college, that specializes in BIM and Smart Cities. I wanted to expose my own mindset and explore what got me to progress in the application process. These micro PolyCa…

Zen Koan

Something that has always near and dear to my heart is that of philosophy. Zen is an interesting one as it has so many instances of common sense, that it is surprising how little sense most people have, including myself.

I found the Koans to be really intriguing, and I even thought about making an episode for each one. Maybe I still should.

The mindset of "emptying the cup", is something I employed later on when starting to do interviews on the PolyCast, so that my mind could be open!

Zen Koans -
Zen Koan [Fireside Micro-PolyCast] - The Polymath PolyCast with Dustin Miller
Hello, thanks for taking the time to read this text. Here is the link to the #Koan and to my website. Cheers These micro PolyCasts take the form of informal thought processes, that I wanted to share with all of you in a fireside chat style format. https://…


What areas in life do we find progression, what actions or events bring us forward in our story?

Progression [Fireside Micro-PolyCast] - The Polymath PolyCast with Dustin Miller
Progression in tv shows = progression in life??? #improvement Find out more by listening today! These micro PolyCasts take the form of informal thought processes, that I wanted to share with all of you in a fireside chat style format.


Speaking of actions, the habits and systems of our life define the mental connections we have. Connecting the dots of neurons, and even the idea of connecting the dots looking forward is a topic I recently touched on.

Connecting the Dots looking Forward
Steve Jobs once said we cannot connect the dots looking forward, only by looking back. However I think we can, and here is how...
Systems [Fireside Micro-PolyCast] - The Polymath PolyCast with Dustin Miller
When Steve Jobs connected the dots to his success, I wonder if he knew what those dots were in his life. Moreover how they were created, and how that can be understood by someone else. This is what I aim to accomplish in today’s PolyCast. Systems of habits that form those connected dots! These micr…

Emotional Awareness

I fail every day at my emotions, but I am confident in myself because I know that. However most people do not seem to be aware that emotions are taking control. The angry driver, the impatient person in queue, or even the emotional worker being mistreated.

The emotions that come are natural, and shouldn't be suppressed. However they do need to be understood, and the first thing to do is BE AWARE.

Emotional Awareness [Fireside Micro-PolyCast] - The Polymath PolyCast with Dustin Miller
A story about how I gained more control over my emotions, and an even deeper understanding of them. #EQ These micro PolyCasts take the form of informal thought processes, that I wanted to share with all of you in a fireside chat style format.

Notion (Second Brain)

Even two freaking years ago I was still obsessed with Notion for the concept of a second brain or life os, and this was the start of the PolyInnovation Operating System.

Notion (Second Brain) [Fireside Micro-PolyCast] - The Polymath PolyCast with Dustin Miller
An organizational system of your life, and a means to automate the weak parts of your productivity. A second Brain concept isn’t new, and certainly Notion isn’t either. However I’ve found there isn’t much in the way of using them together... until now.…

Obsessed for Success

It was around this time when I was making the first Fireside Micro-PolyCasts, that I also made corresponding Fireside Codex entries as well. As my mindset when creating either is slightly different, which gives the pieces a bit more context than either alone.

Obsessed for Success [Fireside Micro-PolyCast] - The Polymath PolyCast with Dustin Miller
I am conflicted by my lack of progress in life, but I believe that stems from my impatient nature of my ambitious vision of success. One might assume I am obsessed with success. These micro PolyCasts take the form of inform…

Trash or Treasure?

We waste so much in our global society, that is is honestly disgusting. People starve yet we throw away countless tons of food.

Not to mention commerce like Gamestop that literally destroy product that doesn't sell.

Trash or Treasure? [Fireside Micro-PolyCast] - The Polymath PolyCast with Dustin Miller
Dumpster divers are often looked down upon, but are they secretly heroes in our society? These micro PolyCasts take the form of informal thought processes, that I wanted to share with all of you in a fireside chat style format.


Learning about my own waves of FLOW, and the sprints of focus.

Focus [Fireside Micro-PolyCast] - The Polymath PolyCast with Dustin Miller
Why do I have this lack of focus? What causes the focus to subside, or more importantly come in waves? These PolyCasts take the form of informal thought processes, that I wanted to share with all of you in a fireside chat style format.


I have always sort of known where I wanted to go, just not how to get there.

Career [Fireside Micro-PolyCast] - The Polymath PolyCast with Dustin Miller
To be honest I didn’t know what I was gonna be talking about today, so it’s a bit more raw and personal. These PolyCasts take the form of informal thought processes, that I wanted to share with all of you in a fireside chat style format.

Personal Connection

Sharing the love of extroversion basically.

Personal Connection [Fireside Micro-PolyCast] - The Polymath PolyCast with Dustin Miller
I had a very pleasant conversation with someone earlier, that got me in a gregarious mood. #sunny I wanted to share that joy with you, and give a little tangent on interpersonal connection skills. These PolyCasts take the form of informal thought processes, that I wanted to share with all of you in…


The duality of being a tech lover, but also being so into minimalism. How that plays out in my life.

Minimalism [Fireside Micro-PolyCast] - The Polymath PolyCast with Dustin Miller
I talk today about the balance of my passion for technology and the living ideals of minimalism. These PolyCasts take the form of informal thought processes, that I wanted to share with all of you in a fireside chat style format.


A surprisingly super interesting episode. The underlying flow of the universe.

Destiny [Fireside Micro-PolyCast] - The Polymath PolyCast with Dustin Miller
One often finds their Destiny on the path they choose to avoid it. These PolyCasts take the form of informal thought processes, that I wanted to share with all of you in a fireside chat style format.

Future of Social Media

Future nodes of content for decentralized platforms. Perhaps DAOs now that I know about that concept/tool, it applies to my original hypothesis of the future of Social media.

Future of Social Media [Fireside Micro-PolyCast] - The Polymath PolyCast with Dustin Miller
Each social media platform acts like an island, but what if they were just nodes in a social ecosystem. Or social block chain? These PolyCasts take the form of informal thought processes, that I wanted to share with all of you in a fireside chat style format.

In retrospect maybe I should have given these more interesting names or titles. Perhaps I'll go back and update them with more SEO optimized titles lol. However the point was quick share an idea while it was still fresh, and since I think I had to make the title before description. There was a rush to share more through text I guess!

A Start of Something New

I believe that every piece of content can be repurposed in some way, and while I wouldn't think a compilation of these micro-episodes would be ideal. The concept of a listicle does fit the concept well.

I have all of the seasons planned for release in the coming weeks, so look forward to seeing those too!

Each one of these I try to add more details, retrospectives, and sharing more on the thoughts going through my head when making them!

Plus it helps to consolidate them all in one place too.

NOW Page #18 Jan 2022
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NOW Page #18 Jan 2022

Year 3 of covid life, and yet it still feels uniquely opportunistic for me. This is the first NOW Page update of the year, and let's see what this year has in store.

What is NEXT for PolyInnovator?
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What is NEXT for PolyInnovator?

The goals and future of PolyInnovator the personal brand, and the life of being a creator. Let alone being an OmniContent creator for the PolyInnovator Ecosystem.


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