Starting the same way as my previous social blog, but people STILL think it is "too late" to start a podcast.
That couldn't be further from the truth. Not to mention that only about a 3rd of all podcasts, are actually still actively posting. Most of the podcast platforms are like graveyards, of shows where the host stopped posting.
Thus the ability to rise to the top is a lot simpler than you might think.
Audio is still very relevant as a content medium
With the rise of AI podcasts, and a whole bunch of changes happening to Spotify and even Apple podcasts. Particularly, the advent of adding video (which is counter point to this section I guess).
There are a lot of things happening to the podcast space right now.
When I started podcasting it was split between three shows, all of which were similar. Then when I added in interviews I wanted them to see I had a history, so I combined the feeds all into one.
I think it worked out, and now I have over 300 podcast episodes, at least half of which are interviews. They're a major growth factor in my content ecosystem, especially from the clips.
Perhaps ending my Solocast?
I already ended the OmniContent/PolyInContent series, which was one of the major inputs of solocasts to the PolyCast RSS feed. However I don't seem myself making more solo episodes any time soon. Besides the last 16 or so I have planned.
Some of which might just become a video instead anyway.
While I think it is a great idea to have solo and interview episodes side by side in the RSS feed. At this point I sort of want only Interviews in my RSS feed, as I am doing that with the PolyTools Creator Spotlight show already and it is nice.
What I might end up doing instead, is that if I have an idea for a solo episode. Then I'll do what Dan Koe does, and create a 2 hour long video/podcast. I did this on the PolyTools RSS feed with my "How to be a Modern Content Creator" series supercut episode. It is currently the only solo item on that
OH! I almost forgot.
After the 7th season of the Polymath PolyCast comes to a close. Ideally within the month of this writing. I will be taking a break for a while. Perhaps from interviews in general, so including the Creator Spotlight too. Although I will come back to more seasons later on.
Why should YOU listen to one of my Podcasts?
If you are interested in everything multidisciplinary/multi-passionate, and how to build up your Polymathic lifestyle. Then the Polymath PolyCast is the right show for you!
Listen to interviews of when I talk to Polymaths about their lives, and how they manage all of the things they're doing!

Being a content creator or influencer is a hard job to master. It doesn't help that the job literally changes every year. However it is up to YOU to keep up with the changes of these modern platforms.
This show teaches you how to be a MODERN CONTENT CREATOR. While also interviewing content creators about their lives.

If you want to keep reading:

This was one of my "social articles", an experiment to create medium sized blog posts, akin to newsletters. Across a variety of social blogging networking platforms. Such as Medium, Vocal Media, and Linkedin. Since it didn't quite land; I decided to take these posts and remake them into more full length creations. I'll try to include any interesting links from the original, and sometime the full previous version as well if it makes sense.
Previous Shorter-ish Version
This post above is what is going on in the future of PolyInnovator Audio content. Down below is what I thought the future looked like before. I'm including this because I felt like it gives a bit of context of history. Let alone it lets this old social blog post live on too!
Note: This was posted to Substack and Linkedin, but only the latter is around still.
Ah podcasting the up and coming medium, that has been around for over a decade. People always seem to think it is "too late to start a podcast". When in actuality we still have plenty of time to go.
Podcasting got really popular in the early 2010's, and I started around 2017/18. Mainly doing solocasts, as that is all I could conceive of how to do.
One thing I don't talk about much, but I think it is really cool. I combined multiple shows into one! I started out in my content journey with my United Living Construct brand/moniker, and so my initial podcasts were under that system. Yet the topics were basically the same that I talk about with my current personal brand.
When I started my "PolyCast" branding, I was really keen on NOT using the word podcast lol, I had only a couple episodes then. Just a WHOLE bunch planned out ahead. However quarantine struck, and I just happened to have joined at the time. I was able to start doing interviews, and I didn't want people to think I was a ''noob" per se.
I also had a side series going on called the "Fireside Micro-PolyCast", a short form series that I was enjoying making. I decided to merge them all together into one cohesive flow.
What are the various series for?
The micro-polycasts are meant to share unique ideas that I couldn't always make time to create huge content pieces on. Or perhaps I had branding updates that required an announcement to subscribers.
The medium form episodes are what make up the PolyInContent series mainly, which I would consider to be my main flow of content. Blog post to video to podcast. Topics range from anything to everything, but that is the point. To exemplify polymathy in my own life, and to share knowledge on various subjects. Once again though these are solocasts.
However we get to more of the meat, and while I don't consider these to be my main endeavor... they certainly have been a close second. The various interviews of multidisciplinary individuals from around the world. I can't tell you how ecstatic I was to finally start interviewing people. I am gregarious, and I got to use my research skills to find out all sorts of fascinating things about people. I truly am interested in their lives, and I think that shows in the content.
In all the episodes may be short, medium, or longform in length, but always for that multidisciplinary person!
What do I get out of these audiocasts?
Well I take if you are taking the time to read this that you care about me or my content in some form. Either because we have connected on an interesting level, overlap of interest maybe, and/or YOU are a multidisciplinary person yourself.
I talked to nearly 100 people at this point, and there are some incredible lessons to be learned. Not only for generalists, but specialists as well. Just humans/people in general.
Finding out who you are, and how to celebrate all of those various aspects of your life!