It has been a week. I'm feeling really overwhelmed. Oct and Nov FLEW by, and now I don't know what to do with myself because I told people. More importantly I told myself I'd be in Austin by now.

The disappointment is rough, and the lack of income makes it worse. I should be getting the job at Express though shortly. Which would at least give me some sort of income. Also I can get a discount and get a suit or few.

At least one so I can have formal wear again, after growing out of my last cobbled together set.

I'm also pausing all of my big projects right now in favor for a CONTENT BLITZ.

What am I doing... NOW? December 2024

Starting today I am working on making a ton of content really quickly. This is akin to the sprint I did with my PolyCast interviews where I had to do like 40 for 40 days. Although instead I'm doing a ton of content.

I want be DONE with alot of this backlog, and to be honest I want the 7th season of the PolyCast to be finished. As I only intended it to be for this year.

Although I've only posted about 20 eps, and I need 42 for a season.

Having around 200 blog posts I need to make, as I said in the video though MAYBE I should just focus on doing 3 day and having an extra couple a week. Totaling out to about 120 in the month.

In a bigger view #MACRO, What's Coming up

Designing a life is not something anyone can do, but it is something EVERYONE should do. This is why you see people who squander their talent, or end up working the same job for four decades.

I don't want to be that person, and even my hero Leonardo Da Vinci; A prime example of a universalist polymath; He lived an okay life I would say, which is sort of a deep thing to say here (I'll make a post about it later).

Although this idea just came to me ^, and now I have ONE more on the list to do. This example is one of many, as this has happened to me countless times over the years. I already had a long list for SEO and thought leadership too.

Thus what is coming up is this Content Blitz. I hope I don't overwhelm my audience!

Things I am consuming:

Music wise I've been in tune with k-pop and EDM more so lately.

Media wise it has been purely video games really, and they have been the same ones for a while: Apex Legends and State of Decay 2. I like how those games have systems you can learn, and then master the game by understanding how to manipulate those systems (not cheating, but running with the code).