NOW Page #2 Sept

TL:DR | Second time coming around to the NOW page concept! Seeing how this goes, and it feels like a unique way to document my life.

2 min read

What am I doing... NOW? Sept 2020

In a bigger sense I have a huge plan for PolyInnovator, I haven't been making it up as I go along. It is hard to explain what I envision, but in essence I want to make consistency a priority. Allowing for steady growth of my channels, and building up the #Innovators tribe. Which includes polymathic people as well! ;)

Whenever that gets big enough and I have done enough "Jabs", then I can throw a right hook as Gary Vee says, which would be my books or courses. Here is a little sneak peek my next project: The Personal PolyInnovation System.

That is the culmination of the first phase of content, particularly OmniContent, where we have been talking about Self-EduDevment, or in particular Self-Education through the Modular Education Framework.

This is a revolutionary approach to how we go after online education, and I am excited to keep seeing it evolve the more I talk about it. Especially when I learn ideas from others, such as the importance of community based learning. Something I hadn't put much thought into before.

This system will encompass the three areas of self growth:

Self-Education through the Modular Degree

Self-Improvement through Habits and Systems

Self-Development through the Four Pillars Philosophy

In a bigger view #MACRO

What's Coming up?

I intend on doing presentations on the system on stage as well, which will be my foray into speaking gigs!

Not to mention a course (s?) and book on the matter as well.

EDIT from last month: I decided to keep this ^^^ passage, as the goals haven't changed for this quarter. I have been learning from August Bradley's YouTube channel on how to organize my life in

Then professionally I've simply been looking into proper monetization models for down the line, such as, which allows me to make my own Netflix/YouTube hybrid for TeleInnovator. I am super excited for that.

On top of all that still keeping things consistent with the content, as best I can. We completed the second season of the, and now just about to start the next season at the beginning of this month!

Watch or check out latest update on the main page/playlist!

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