NOW Page #17 Dec 2021

TL:DR | The grand restart of the OmniContent, as well as a new transition point in my overall life. This month is going to be very interesting!

3 min read

Finally! I got started on my #omnicontent again, there was this mental block that kept me from doing it. I think part of it was the fear that I couldn't make my first mini series perfect, which is about the Multidisciplinary Spectrum. A very important topic for me, and I kept hyping it up in the polymath community. I also did a talk on it at the beginning of this year.

All in all, just made myself more nervous, so there really isn't any excuse. I faced a creative flow issue too, as there was just too many steps to complete one episode. There is a benefit to habit stacking, or to sharing across an omnichannel style. However at some points you just gotta trim it down, which is also what I did before with my Modegree as well.

I have a habit of going overboard sometimes, and once I trimmed the OmniContent to do list down it got far easier. The only real habit stack I kept on there is the Linkedin Articles because I really want to get those out. I had a variety of ideas prior to even forming the OmniContent series, and then I added a ton more when I did.

Most of them relate to the main post, and some have their own topic all together. Either way it gets me to do them!

What am I doing... NOW? December 2021

Currently debating on whether or not to release another episode today, but I am going be doing this Now Page Update as well as an Interview today. I have been posting a ton over this past weekend, so I don't want to overwhelm my currently small audience.

So many ideas, and I only sent out half of them. The rest are put on hold, for example I had the idea again of an Open World Pokemon Game. A project I have been working on "in secret" for the better half of my life, literally. Ever since I was a kid I would create/edit sprites and map out worlds. I've only gotten better with age, but project creep caused me to never "finish". I think at some point I am just going to just cut it off and finish. I made a post sharing my ideas on how such a game would work, and it is honestly not bad considering the levels of complexity such a game would have. However that was a post I put on hold until I could finish it in the right state of mind, only wrote half as of this writing.

I'm dying to get my interviews out, and I had a REALLY hard time with my last one. For some reason Davinci Resolve decided to just NOT show me the audio waveforms, which is the most important bit.

I tried updating, changing all sorts of settings, asking on reddit, and even reaching out to support (which screw the company they never responded).

I ended up making a handful of videos, including a Ghost CMS review, and the OmniContents, so I just had to bite the bullet and edit the video without the audio visuals. I could at least hear and see the video, but I need the timeline for editing.

Although I got it out, and even updated AGAIN which finally fixed the issue eventually. Took a while though, and I still don't know what went wrong.

In a bigger view #MACRO, What's Coming up

I am so hesitant to get to eager for anything, as I can burnout so quickly during the cold season. S.A.D. hits me hard, and I got over eager last year to try and do 40 Days of PolyCasts, which ended up being more like 36, but at least I did it!

Not only did it sort of burn me out, but because it overworked the servers on repurposeio I ended up getting a bad output. Too many videos too quick, and it caused them to come out (FB to YT automation) to be 240p which is unacceptable. I had to reupload over 30gigabytes/22 interivews worth of videos, and I have no hard feelings towards the tool. It has only gotten even more amazing over the past year, and the team is phenomenal. So I'll still probably go back when I need it next.

Point is to me sharing that is that there was unforeseen consequences to me pushing for daily content.

The reason I made the series is so that I could do it daily sustainably, and that is still a possibility. Although maybe I should rush to get this mini series out, and then slow down. I am already halfway done with it right now.

Also my intention was to get this remaining ten interviews out about 4 months ago, let alone during November in particular. Granted I did have that terrible editing issue, but still I want to keep my word. Not to mention not let my wonderful guests wait any longer. They may not even be thinking of it much, but I think about it every single day.

So what is coming up? Well that is the tail end of this mini series, the interviews, as well as hopefully finally the PolyPRO membership. Which would be for here on this very site, and the site for videos/courses!

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