NOW Page #13 Aug 2021

TL:DR | The trials of a new year still haunt me even late into the year. To me it still feels like February, and that dissonance is clouding my progress. Here is the Aug NOW Update for you!

3 min read

Last year during this time I was in the midst of teaching swim lessons, during an insane amount of interviews, and rebuilding my website again inside of wordpress (it was a constant struggle with that platform).

As of the past year I ended the pursuit of interviews, and only did the ones that came my way, such as recommendations or if I came across someone perfect for the show. My focus has been solely on getting those interviews out, from a content creation perspective. I think that internal pressure actually made it worse however. Not to mention after a year of doing it, the internal drive faded a bit, and the motivation of responsibility to get them out wasn't enough.

I've been going on pure grit for the past few months, and it doesn't help that my workload tripled at my job in this same time. I think in which has been leading me down a path of burnout. Ironically the past two times, the only times really, in which burnout was happening were due to content creation. This time however I don't feel burned out from working on videos, but rather working so much. In part due to the fact we are understaffed just like most organizations in the country.

It has been about a year since I started doing these NOW page updates, and this month + last month have been the only times I've been late. I literally didn't even realize I missed it until yesterday, but I wasn't able to get around to working on it. I should mention that for some reason it wasn't on my calendar for the rest of the year. Perhaps on my birthday last month I may have deleted the monthly reminder.

Onto the new and interesting!

What am I doing... NOW? August 2021

Speaking of new, there is a facelift planned for PolyInnovator. I realized that when I feel stuck or disorganized I rearrange my room or living spaces. Helps me reset, as well as get ready for a new quarter of the year or something like that.

PolyInnovator has not changed much in style over this year. I wanted to change it every year at the minimum, let alone maybe every half year or quarter. Doing so now would probably be the half year mark-ish. Given that the current branding and style went up around February.

My main priority still however is the interviews, but I thought perhaps if I could reset my mind a little on my personal brand. Give it a fresh coat of paint, it would motivate me more to get the interviews out.

Still have a lot of repurposing to do, and I will make sure that is done as well. Although I think it is time for a new phase. So I am in the planning stage for that. The Modular Degree and the Polymath PolyCast are not going anywhere. Although besides content repurposing, and my own Modegree learning, I cannot focus on those two phases at this time.

I haven't been able to get the Modegree system out there enough, and I think more refinement and having help is needed before I can do it properly.

One of the next early phases for PolyInnovator and my content, is the introduction to Polymath Exercise. In this case, Swimming, which is my main job anyways. I have been writing a book on how to swim too, in which is the longest I have written even.

It isn't the first book I wanted to release, but is probably the most important one for me to.

I am not planning on going back to teaching in the fall/winter which would mean I would be out of that game for a time. I should finish the book while teaching is all fresh in my brain.

In a bigger view #MACRO, What's Coming up

With the upcoming refresh, the next phase will start. Just to remind people who may be unfamiliar with my phases. They aren't really locked in per se, if I start a new one, then the old ones don't go away just subside from the spotlight. I wanted to interleave them as much as possible, and with the OmniContent I was going to well. I just need to get started on it again.

With the redesign it will also be the start of a new PolyCast season as well. Perfect timing for releasing a bunch of interviews. I've been wanting to aim for 3x a week, so that I can get them out, although I've struggled to get even one out a week. The new frequency will allow for many guests patiently waiting to get out sooner.

With the interviews off my mind on release I can focus on OmniContent and Repurposing. Then throughout that I will continue writing my first book on How to Swim. Talking about the philosophy, hydrodynamics (physics), and psychology of swimming. A unique take on the movement form, and allowing for a multitude of people to gain the ability as well.

Dramatically scaling up how many people I can teach, and at this point it is already over a thousand. Let's make it a million+!

PolyInnovator 2021 Q3-Q4
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PolyInnovator 2021 Q3-Q4

Explaining that motivation is a myth, and what I plan on doing about it. "New year new me", or at least a new second half of the year...

"Make Me a Polymath"
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"Make Me a Polymath"

A response post to an interesting website, with an ambitious author, that shared some great ideas. I wanted to expand upon those said ideas. Here is that post!

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