This is part 7 of a collection of posts for each of my swimming levels for the Mr. Dustin's Swim Academy. If you feel like this level isn't for you. Then I encourage you to check out the other levels, or the complete list, via the swimming tag!

As I said all the way back in the early levels, it comes down to the WHY, HOW, and WHAT. Those translate into the Philosophy, the Physics, and the Psychology of Swimming. I like to refer to them as the "Three P's of Swimming".

While this isn't a level where new things are introduced. Rather things that you already learned get explained in new ways.

During the first level you are introduced to swimming through one of these lens. While you may get a touch of the other P's of swimming here and there. Overall each student generally anchors to one of them. Now it is time to take in the holistic perspective.

Psychology, Philosophy, and Physics.

Breaking it down into its most fundamental parts. How you think, and the reasons behind why there are certain repeatable outcomes. Such as why we panic, due to the physiological response, that directly interfaces with our vagus nerve.

The philosophical reasoning behind how doing things in a state of FLOW, will enhance how we swim. Just like the Taoists, and the great Bruce Lee once said, "Be like water".

The physical limitations of water resistance, and how we dynamically cut through the water through our movements.

WHY do we swim this way?

While there are the physical reasons, there are also other factors that come into play. Such as the psychological, and how we think when under pressure.

The reason WHY we swim in the ways that these levels describe (even beyond just my own ethos of swimming); Is that these multiple factors compound into the challenges we face when in the water.

Learning the flow of swimming, and the overall lessons of philosophy

You can apply external philosophies to swimming, and learn how to become a better swimmer because of it. Taoism and Wu Wei make a lot of sense of course.

However even things like Stoicism do too. One common stoic mindset is the factor of "can you do anything about it? No? Then don't worry. Yes? Then do it."

The same goes when you're swimming. Can you do something about what is it that you're facing? No? Then keep swimming. Yes? Then do that thing. Maybe it is breathing, maybe it is speeding up or down, or maybe it is something completely out of the box.

HOW do we do the swimming?

It revolves around the idea that you "can't fight the water". You can either go with the current, or go perpendicular. However you cannot swim against the river, as you will lose.

By taking a going around approach, then you achieve greater outcomes. Some moments it is a matter of lateral movement. The up-down, left-right, I mentioned in previous 🏊 Mr. Dustin's Swim Academy newsletters.

Alternatively, it may be a matter of taking a systematic approach to our swimming, to achieve even greater results thought possible.

WHAT do we do?

You've already learn what all there is to learn, technically. However this is when you really start to break it down. You might get more into the physics of hydrodynamics, or the philosophy of flow, etc.

This is where things get explained on every level, and you should ask any question that you think is important. Maybe those that aren't as important, as you never know!

Disclaimer: This is advice for people to level up their swimming, or perhaps get started in the first place. While you swim you should make sure you are doing so in a public facility with a lifeguard on duty for safety.