You never know what life will throw at you. More importantly you don't know what you'll do when it does. How you choose to react, or better yet be proactive, will determine who you are in life over the course of your life.
Each action, each reaction, and everything you end up doing in the long run.
“It Ain’t About How Hard You Hit, It’s About How Hard You Can Get Hit And Keep Moving Forward.” -Rocky
The classic overused Rocky quote, but it is true. That is why it is used so often by people, as it makes us realize that we can stand to take the hits.
I'm writing this post in quick anticipation, as it will be my 700th post (not including the ones I have scheduled out). It feels like a big accomplishment, but I also feel like I'm just getting started. That I haven't done ENOUGH, and that goes for videos and podcasts too.
Work Hard, Play Hard
As I write this post I am listening to a song that has always gotten me to my core. Despite being a lot of noise and simplistic lyrics, it has such a notion that I really aligned with. The original version is good too.
You have to play just as hard as you work, or else you'll end up burnt out. Ironically I do not feel that I am burning out, but rather just jaded at this point.
At this point in this post it may seem to you, the reader, that there is a lack of direction of this blog. There are a few topics circling in my head, and maybe a couple should be their own post. However I feel that it all comes together, the stress and life that has been making me jaded, is also a byproduct of my frustration of how far behind I feel.
I've been working harder and harder, and I think even more so than I have in years. I just got done with my Content Blitz for petes sake.
What this 700 mark means to me
In my head it feels as if I'm actually closer to a 1000 articles cause technically I wrote other articles that revamped or reformed into ones that are on this site. I've also blogged on a variety of platforms. However pretty much 95% of them are now on this site, or going to be soon (as I just moved the gaming ones for example).
Meaning that disparity of my head thinking "1000", but in reality having just "700" feels like I am behind. There's about 120 posts I desperately want to get out in my ideas folder on Obsidian. That was part of the Blitz, and I feel like I made a decent dent on them, but the Blitz is over and I need to refocus on my goals.
The success of doing 700 shouldn't be understated though. I did a good job getting this far, and I hope I provided value in my posts to you.
Let's celebrate this win together!
Given all that has come out of this site, and all that there is to come in the future. There's a lot going on, and recently I revamped the tags to be even easier to understand. Go down some rabbit holes and get back to me.
Hit me up on social media (any platform really), and let me know which one was you favorite! @polyinnovator