Or rather RE-Created the templates to match the new system. Over the years I have been working on refining the PIOS, and even changed the name!
The PolyInnovation Operating System; or even The Personal Innovation Operating System.
However they really didn't make as much sense in the context of what the PIOS actually DOES for you. Which for the most part is INTEGRATION, integration between your various multiple disciplines, integration between your INPUT and OUTPUT, and integration all time tables of your life. I.e. Yearly/quarterly/monthly/weekly/daily.
The Personal Integration Operating System
Taking into account all the areas that you need to focus on, and linking them together for maximum efficiency.
Regardless of the naming convention, the point still remains to connect areas that other tools and methodologies fail to do.
Why has it taken me so long?
In part, laziness to get started, as to my brain it seemed like an insurmountable task to create a template. Although in reality I already created the Notion template, so I just needed to revamp it to match the modern version. With Obsidian it actually is a bit fun to make, so I don't know why it has taken me this long.
Where can I download the templates?
I explain them later in this post, but if you're just ready to go and want to go check them out. Then here are the links to the Ko-Fi pages where they're hosted!
Will you support other Tools by making templates for those too?
I had initially planned on making an Airtable template and Capacities template. However I took one look at Airtable, and realized it was going to be a lot harder than expected. Capacities it technically worked, and it would be actually similar in function to the Airtable. However I would have to rethink how the flow of the layers worked in the PIOS.
Where in Notion or Obsidian you can have folders or pages within each other, these other tools you can only have databases. Not enough layers of abstraction, which is what brought me to Notion in the first place ages ago.
I'm still open to doing it, but it might take longer.
How do these templates work?
I put them on my Ko-Fi because after looking at all other options like Gumroad or Podia, and I previously used Pensight (which I don't recommend). None of these options really held a good reason for me to go with them. Either you'd get charged more in fees, or I get charged more for hosting, or both.
Plus I already like the tipping architecture of tools like BuyMeACoffee or Ko-Fi, and between the two the latter had a better interface.
All you have to do for these templates is either Duplicate it on Notion, or unzip the Obsidian one. They're pretty easy to set up, and I'll be making posts too in order to describe how to use them (videos too).
Why charge for them?
I've spent a ton of time making this system robust, and really it wouldn't be right to just give them out for free. I thought deeply about that, but instead of charging like $49 or $100 for the templates. Which I had initially thought would be the case, as most Notion templates follow that formula.
I instead talked with my friend Doc Williams, and he convinced me to do it for $7. Just enough to get you into the ecosystem if you will, as I would rather make my income off of the courses and books. Rather than nickel and dime you on the template itself.
Going Forward...
I'm focused on making the templates really strong, and the Notion one I think is going to take a bit more work. As I left the platform myself a couple years ago, and so the system evolved outside of it.
Meaning I need to go back and make sure the template is perfectly up to date. Such as combining the Inbox with Modular Degree, as I did that in Obsidian. I think small tweaks like that won't take too long, and the good thing about Notion is that you'll always have the newest version when duplicating for the first time. The Obsidian Vault is pretty on par with what I came up with myself already.
I'll look into making templates for other tools, but I want feedback from all of you first!