As someone who plays games there are always going to be interesting moments, or even times of great excitement. Not to mention as a content creator I can capture those moments even more.
Sometimes though things happen over time, or happened at a point where you aren't able to capture them beyond just your memory. Some of those times I have written about, and others I haven't really discussed at all. I wanted to share any and each of those times with you today.
A Tale of Two Medics
Team Fortress 2 is a famous, or maybe infamous, team based shooter. It inspired Overwatch, and even to a degree games like Apex Legends as well. With the variety of classes you play as, the goofy style and humor, and most of all TEAM DYNAMICS.
Now just like with all of the games mentioned, there is a balance between what kind of characters you'll choose. If you go full on assault, then you leave yourself open with no defense, and are screwed when you can't heal up. If you go all defense, then you can't move or attack, and so forth.
Meaning that one of the most important class types are the healers, or support roles, but ironically those are often the LEAST chosen "profession" by the gamers in the communities. I for one fell in love with medic in TF2, and how people would be so grateful... most of the time. You get blamed a lot, but you also get praised heavily too.
There was one such time, where I think it was "coldfront" I can't remember the map name, but it was all about pushing the cart to the end. Both teams were very capable, which isn't always the case, and while we had a decent team composition. There was a lack of support like always, and so I did what I normally do and became a Medic. Someone else did as well, but that was a bit later. I found myself shooting healing bolts across the map like in a montage, 360 no scope quality shots, I was healing as many people as a I could, while also pocketing the heavy to push.
It was an exhilarating experience, but sadly I wasn't enough. They called me the King of Medics, but I was only one person. Thus the second medic came into the picture, and boy was he phenomenal as well. It is rare that you find a GOOD medic in tf2, most people haven't put in the time, and when you are surrounded by enemies that kill you instantly basically it is hard. However to find TWO AWESOME medics??? That is completely against the odds.
We carried the team to victory, and at the end everyone on the server was cheering for us. Even the opposing team was like man those are some good medics.
Emerald to Alpha Sapphire
From Hoenn to Hoenn, two Pokemon make the journey with me across multiple consoles, games, and dimensions.
Now technically this story is about Blaziken and Rayquaza, but let's focus on the second one for now. I spent so much time in the Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald generation of Pokemon games. Sapphire being my very first after all, and Emerald just being an awesome extension of that.
While countless hours went into EVERY pokemon game basically, the 3rd generation games (all five of them) probably were the most for me. I found myself sticking to Emerald a lot of the time, and I had a Rayquaza, which I am pretty sure was a my first (or one of the first ones) I had caught. Even though I played many more playthroughs after that.
Either way it was one of the few creatures that I did the Pokemon Contest Masters rank with (in ALL of the categories), it has been through at least THREE pkmn leagues, and has journeyed with me from Emerald, to Diamond, to White, Bank, X, and then finally to Alpha Sapphire. Making it come full circle.
Obviously it is level 100 at this point, but it still feels so at home when I use it.

The Barbarian Rush to Battle
There is a particular part of Diablo 2 that has always fascinated me, and this is because the game ai isn't very intelligent. It didn't really have to be beyond the occasional follower you'd get like Rogue or something.
However there is a battle that is supposed to feel epic in scale, fighting against the hordes of hell with an army of barbarians in the final act. I remember even as a kid finding myself coming to the rescue of various barbarians, and then they would even semi follow you as you went on.
At one point as a teenager I believe I managed to collect like six barbarians, and had them all fighting alongside me. I managed to keep them alive too cause as soon as they see an enemy they would attack. So it is like baby sitting a bunch of toddlers, but I found it to be so satisfying seeing a squad behind me.
I replicated this again as an adult on the remastered version of the game, and it was just as satisfying as when I was younger.
Xbox Lost all of my Clips!
This one is a bit of a simpler, if not sad story, as I have been an Xbox player all of my life. I've played on Nintendo, Playstation, and PC too. However Xbox has been my console of choice.
Despite that loyalty I have a critical issue with their operating system, that doesn't seem to be going to be fixed anytime soon. Mind you this happened to me on Xbox One X AND on my Xbox Series X. The top of the line, best consoles on the market, and it has happened three times at this point.
Basically I'd clip a ton of my gameplay footage, such as cool halo no scopes, mass effect funny scenes, and much much more.
I had some AMAZING clips, like some of the best I've ever taken, and between Spyro, Halo Infinite, and Mass Effect Andromeda, I had upwards of 200+ clips saved up on my local storage.
Mind you I had plenty of space (wasn't over downloading games), I never linked it to my Xbox cloud storage (not even onedrive which I should have at least), and the fine print states that it would get deleted off of the SEVERS if placed onto the xbox network. However it says nothing about local storage.
It should have stayed there, as it wasn't full, but for some reason xbox OS decided to delete ALL of my clips. On more than one occasion (I've gotten really anxious about ever taking clips now, and I have an external drive so that I can quickly pull them off). Xbox support simply told me to reset my device.... despite it happening on a fresh console already.
These are my stories...
I'm sure there will be more to come, but for now I hope these have left you with some of my emotions felt when sharing them!