I'm writing this post because most people don't seem to be able to find the various tools to help them highlight their gaming videos into clips.
I came across these tools in my searches, and so I wanted to compile them for you into a list to make it easier.
Hopefully one of these works out for you!
Here are a variety of tools to help you gamer creators:
Some might be a better fit for you than others, but try to look at them all!
Probably the most expansive list of games supported of them all, and it is also a clips tool to replace something like Crossclip. However I haven't used them yet, so I don't know.



Emotions based, and so theoretically this could be the strongest of them all.


Browser based and a limited amount of games, but might be the right tool for some people.
Honorable Mention - Opus Clip:
While more focused on podcast/talking videos, there have been a handful of creators, including myself that have gotten some great clips from Opus via gaming videos. Eventually they may also add gaming videos into the mix as well.

While the space is not perfect right now...
It is surprising to me how little there is on the market for this, despite the large pool of creators needing something like this.
I personally use Opus to find clips for both podcasting and gaming, and I make a ton of clips by using Xbox game bar. Meaning I often don't need something like these, but I plan on streaming a lot more eventually. I'll need them then, and you need them now. Let's try them out together!