Being a content creator is a hard job, and when you have so many new things all around you. It can be tough to keep up with it all. Personally I've always loved the various tools that crop up, so I created this newsletter the PolyInContent Digest; In order to be able to share what I find with other creators.
Eventually I started having conversations with other content creators, and while I had interviewed some on the Polycast. Their interviews were more about multiple disciplines not just creating content. Thus I wanted to talk shop about content with more creators, and have the full conversation about it.
I had already done some video reviews on the main channel for the Digest earlier in 2023. However I do think I'll be making more reviews and comparisons, as well as these amazing creator spotlight interviews as well. Thus I needed a new channel for it all to be housed in!
A Spin-off of the PolyInContent Digest
The written newsletter has been more posts about the concept of content creation. Understanding what repurposing means, and how to do it. With a handful of reviews and other posts scattered in.
I'd like to keep going with a lot of those more conceptual posts, as there aren't many creators talking about the SUBJECT of content creation itself.
Whereas on the channel I can do more reviews and interviews. If a concept proves really interesting on the newsletter blog then I can make a video about it too.

Why a YouTube Channel?
I've always felt that the main PolyInnovator channel would house any of the video content that I make. Like an octopus going out many different ways. However just like how the gaming channel was created, there was this nagging feeling that this needed to stand on its own.
An individual pod connected within the grander PolyInnovator content ecosystem.
Not only does this help me not put all my eggs in one basket, but it also helps let this interview series grow on its own. Otherwise it would be competing for attention with my PolyCast Interviews, which wouldn't be fair to either podcast.

What the Interviews are going to be like!
I've already done 7 thus far at the time of this writing, and have had some truly amazing creators on ALREADY!
I can't describe how much fun it was to dig into the topics with the creators. Being able to go toe to toe mentally with some of the greatest minds in this space was something I have been dying for ages to feel. I think that shows in the videos too, and you're able (as the viewer) to get more out of it.
I start off by asking what their journey has been like thus far, and how they got started. We go into their more preferred content type, whether it is audio, written, or video. What tools do they like/love for CREATING and REPURPOSING. Then a bit more personal on their lives.
In the end is a result that will help so many creators on their journey learn valuable lessons MUCH sooner.
Here is a playlist of all of the interviews (latest will show here):
Going forward... the Written and the Video:
While going into the next year my focus will be on the main channel. I am going to keep up doing these interviews. With some reviews, and other videos alongside them as well.
The newsletter will ideally be once a week still, and I have some extraordinary posts on the way!