Top Ten Zelda Games

Here is my personal list of the top Zelda games of the franchise!

This post may be more subjective to my own opinion, but I have played most of the games in the series. Even wrote a post about the Zelda Blueprint, from the knowledge of how all games work.

I should note that this is a PolyInContent episode, and actually the first one on this site. Not to mention the first one OFF of the main PolyInnovator website. I wanted to give this video topic to PolyInnovator Gaming in particular. PolyInContent means I'm taking a polymathic approach, and that it is a video/podcast/blog post all in one.

I hope that in this post you'll leave wanting to play one of these games again!

Why I love the series.

This game series is full of trials, tribulations, love, tragedy, and even the cycle of reincarnation.

Each tale tells a different part of the history of Hyrule, even if the timeline was an after thought to Nintendo originally.

I thought by making this top 10 post I can share my passion for the series, as I have played almost all of the games since I first picked up Link's Awakening on the Gameboy.

We all have had that experience, and some game in the series was your first. Maybe it was one of these on this list, or maybe it isn't.

Leave a comment of what your favorite game in the series is, or what your first one was!

The List:

Oh ho ho some of you are gonna hate me hehe.

Honestly I think I gave some games the justice they deserved, as so many top 10 lists neglect some games. I also wanted to give a different opinion than the rest, and I think I did that well.

Without further ado, let us get into it.

10. Legend of Zelda

I'm gonna be completely honest I've barely played the first two games of the series. AoL basically not at all, but something has to be said for being the OG. Being the game that brought the series to life, and inspired all of the sequels to come.

THE GOATTT. THE OG. So why is it so far down the list? Well at this point other games in the series have done the same formula, but just better. It may have laid the groundwork for the Zelda Game Blueprint, but I think it had its shortcomings. Also personally something about the art style makes me uncomfy. Just a feeling anytime I play it.

8. Age of Calamity

Truly one of the BEST stories in any Zelda game, and the cutscenes were top notch. While I enjoyed the gameplay, and having it be coop was amazing. I am not a fan of the warriors style gameplay. Just isn't my cup of tea, I enjoyed it for the sake of playing, but I'd like to explore the world.

7. Majora's Mask

I honestly wanted it a bit higher on the list, but I felt that other games deserved the spotlight more. Many lists speak about the games deep morals and meaning. However when I think of the MM game, it is all about the transformations. I used to even dream about it, and I loved the mechanics. I wish there was a bit more to the game though, four dungeons is a bit short (I say the same for Botw). Also I wish there was a way to do all quests in one cycle, as like an ultimate challenge for the player. Perfect ending.

6. Oracle of Ages/Oracle of Seasons

Now I know it is annoying that every list always lists these two as if they were one game. Ignoring the fact that they are a pair, the gameplay of both are unique. So I'd list Seasons a bit higher, as I prefer it more, but Ages deserves to shine too.

5. Wind Waker

Whoa whoa how is Minish Cap coming high on the list than Wind Waker? Well I think that WW was a bit incomplete, they did say how they cut parts of the game just to be able to ship it. I think those bits probably were the meat that I needed to enjoy the game more. I got bored on the Triforce fetch quest, and the game felt really short.

4. Minish Cap

While also being short, this game was made for the GBA, and for a game on that handheld it was pretty long. People didn't realize how good of a game it was until later on I think. It felt cohesive in the world, and each piece meshed well.

3. Twilight Princess

From the depths of despair that lay waste to the countryside of Hyrule. The Twilight realm blends into our world. Distorting what we know, and changing our hero into a beastly form. While still following the same formula and blueprint, the actual plot is flipped on its head. They took many liberties when it came to putting twists into the story.

2. Breath of the Wild

I mean come on it is an open world zelda game, THE OPEN WORLD ZELDA game. If I wrote this review any time before 2021 I probably would have placed it first. Just like every other top 10 list, but with time the rose colored glasses came off. The lack of story, the minimal dungeons, and honestly I don't like the soundtrack. It is missing that Zelda flair, at least to a degree. I think the sequel is going to fix all of that.

1. Ocarina of Time

The top dog, and for a reason. It has one of the best stories in the series. Albeit a bit minimalist though. Some of the best dungeons in the series, and some of the most memorable music. Gerudo Valley forever having a chokehold over me.

And you.

Who knows maybe Tears of the Kingdom will bring together both Ocarina of Time story and dungeons, with BotW gameplay and freedom. Taking the top spot then.

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PolyInnovator Gaming
One of the phases of PolyInnovator, which is based around Gaming. This includes Game Streaming, Gaming Content, and Game Creation even!

What is the point of this?

Well to be honest just to do it. I never really make top ten lists, so I wanted to do it with something that I knew well.

I think that this is a good start for what could possibly be a series in the future, so let me know what you think below.

Story, Gameplay, Mechanics

While Nintendo often focuses on the gimmick of the game, that directly relates to the game mechanics. I find that the story is a bit overlooked in many cases, and that is a shame considering how powerful of the story can be with Zelda.

Sure it follows the hero's journey trope, probably to the letter, but it is unique enough in other aspects to make up for it.

As a Zelda fan I think I speak for most of us, when I say that we want a story heavy Zelda one day. More than the sparsely populated world of Skyward Sword, or the depressing Termina and Botw. We want something akin to a heroic adventure, and I feel that we deserve it at this point as fans.

This site is made for gamers like you and me, and even more so the generalist gamers. The ones that don't confine themselves to just one genre. Honestly even Zelda doesn't confine itself to just one way of being. Neither should we!