What is a Meta-Niche?

What is life? Well that is a broad question, and surely a terrible opener to an article! However let's take a peek at the question, and pull it open real quick. Life is the decade after decade, year after year, and day after day of each event in your conscious experience.

What we do each day, month, year, etc, it all folds into who we are as a person. How people perceive us is based on the level of connection they have with us, and the events they experienced with us. That even goes for content as well, each content piece just like this article itself, is a connective tissue between you and I.

Meaning what content you create and people interact with, is what is going to change how people think of who you are.

Everyone in the creator world always says "you need to niche down", follow one topic. However this didn't start with creators, it was a byproduct of the specialist mindset from the last 100 years. Since the industrial revolution.

We have only been able to be known as "one thing", as humanity as a whole were trained to be put into defined "boxes".

However we are not one trick ponies. Across the board people from all backgrounds, we all do many things to some degree.

What is a niche?

Again it is that one box that we are known for, and you must refine it in order to grow as a creator. Or so we're told.

Since we encompass so many things in life, it can be hard to just narrow our focus to one thing. However it does let us get better at that skill more quickly.

So the instant gratification part of our brain gets rewarded a lot more.

However if we can just hold off, and let ourself diversify. The reward can be just so much more.

A Meta-Niche is...

It is a topic or box that grants you 'permission' whenever you make content or pursue a path. To do more than just one thing. For a prime example: Polymathy.

Since that is my "Main topic", or at this point "knowledge management for polymaths" technically. It gives me permission as a creator to talk about whatever is under that umbrella.

Well who decides what is under that umbrella of topics? I do. Same goes for you if you have your own meta-niche.

Some gaming content creators have this figured out actually before a lot of other types of creators. As it becomes pretty clear quickly, that you can't keep playing the same game forever. In some cases maybe you can like Minecraft, but even those creators will branch out to Lego Games or Terraria.

They broaden out to the genre of game that they had started with instead. That becomes their meta-niche, even if they didn't start out as that.

Personal Branding and of the Meta-Niche

Given the fact we are making a personal brand to be the marketing avenue for who we are. Like a resume online, or in other terms "our online reputation".

Regardless, depending on what your "niche" is, that is what is going to be the defining factor on how the content you create flows through. As well as, how people are going to look at you from now on.

Meaning everything under that niche is what influences WHO YOU ARE to the world.

This is a powerful idea, that being your personal brand is your way to communicate to the world. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you to make a personal brand, as I will save that for another post. I am either going to assume you are working on one, or are here because you are multidisciplinary looking for answers on how to explain yourself to others.

PolyInnovator is the Personal Brand I created for that Reason

I wanted to curate how I was being perceived, and also be able to pursue all of the various things I am interested in over time.

I've spent time trying to combine things into one brand, then also splitting it into multiple sub-brands. Even bringing them back into the fold. I'm doing the research and experimentation of how to be a meta-niche creator.

PolyInnovator is the ideal that I wish to become, and the name under for all of the content I create. So that when people ask me what my niche is, I say Polymathy, as PolyInnovator stands for Polymath of Innovation.

To me a Meta-Niche is the key to the freedom of letting you talk about any topic your heart, or mind, desires.

Someone tried to tell me that PolyInnovator was redundant, as polymaths are already innovative. I disagree, for I think innovation comes from action. It comes from someone actively trying to find a new solution.

PolyInnovator is the meta-umbrella for all of the areas that I wish to innovate in the future. The first being of course Education, as the Modular Degree changes the way we even Approach education in the modern world.

How you define yourself will help others define you in their own minds as well.

If you want to keep reading:


Previous Shorter Version

This was one of my "social articles", an experiment to create medium sized blog posts, akin to newsletters. Across a variety of social blogging networking platforms. Such as Medium, Vocal Media, and Linkedin. Since it didn't quite land; I decided to take these posts and remake them into more full length creations.
What is a Meta-Niche? #PolyInnovator
What is life? Well that is a broad question, and surely a terrible opener to an article! However let’s take a peek at the question, and pull it open real quick. Life is the decade after decade, year after year, and day after day of each event in your conscious experience.

Bonus Section:

There was a line at the end that kept making me think, and I wanted to share the quick thoughts with you.

This post was inspired by the latest OmniContent episode on how PolyInnovator as a Meta-Niche fits into the Multidisciplinary Spectrum!

So many things in this quote to point out. For one the OmniContent series itself, was a manifestation of how I wanted to present my polymathic self. I created a series that embody the polymathic mindset, SO that I could achieve an omnichannel presence. Which is what any great creator should strive towards.

PolyInnovator isn't my meta niche, as I claim in the quote, so perhaps that was a typo or a different way of thinking when I wrote it. However Polymathy IS my meta-niche, so it is similar.

The Multidisciplinary Spectrum is the last thing I wanted to point out.

As it is a chart of a collection of multidisciplinary terms, like Polymath, to help showcase the 🧮 Journey to Polymathy. The idea of the chart itself, is meta on top of all of these various terms.