Self-DIY Modegree (Rework)
I am reworking this article, as it s was one of my "social articles", an experiment to create medium sized blog posts, akin to newsletters. Across a variety of social blogging networking platforms.
I decided to take these posts and remake them into more full length creations. The Modular Degree being one of my most prevalent topics throughout all of my creating, and I think you would benefit from this post in two ways.
The outlook I had before when writing it, and the outlook I have now that AI has become so relevant. (If you want to read the original, it is linked at the bottom).
In all of my years of creating content, there has been an anchor for me. That being the realm of self-education. You're here because you're similar, the DIY Degree idea caught your eye, and now you want to learn more about it!
Autodidactism is a part of humanity's history
Just like the autodidacts of old, there are always going to be people who are self-learners. Not only is it human nature to be curious, but it is also the mark of a successful person to be a voracious learner.
Think of all of the successful people you know, and you can trace back to right before they got successful there was a period of deep self-learning. Then over the course of their life, continuous lifelong learning.
In this modern age we have accumulated so much free knowledge and information on the internet. There is so much being uploaded every single day that we cannot consume it all.
The worst problem beyond that is being able to organize all the stuff that we DO have time for in our lives. Whether it is a new hobby, a need for a quick skill acquisition for a job, or just continual lifelong learning. We have a need as a society to be able to package all of the necessary online materials together.
Hence why I created the Modular Degree framework, a do it yourself education system to create your own degree!
Learn how to make your own Modegree here:
Take a Chance on a New Life
What I mean is that education can literally change your entire life. That is the reason why most people go to college in the first place, but as we have seen over the past two decades. Traditional degrees are being worth less and less. To the point now where even if you have a full 4-year Bachelors, some jobs still won’t even hire you.
What matters most to employers, or especially in the entrepreneurial realm, is the actual skills you have acquired. Beyond that more so the PEOPLE you know as well.
As long as you can prove your skills in some way, take Gary Vee's "Document over Create" philosophy for example, then you will be able to get the new job.
By choosing your own Self made DIY degree, then you have the power of choice over WHAT you learn. Not to mention from WHOM.
That power of choice is the reasoning for the
modular structure.
With the Rise of the Internet
There has been a significant rise in online coaches/teachers, with an even greater number of courses being released. Even if some things are not as useful as other topics, it can be up to you whether you keep learning it or not.
You do have to find the right resources, but that isn't too hard.
How do we systematically situate each course/book/podcast/etc, all in an order that is conducive to a great learning experience? Making sure you ACTUALLY learn.
Keeping your attention strong by incorporating things like interleaving, Pomodoro, and the Feynman Technique.
It would be essentially a crime to let all of this potential of learning to go to waste.
How the Modegree Solves those Issues
The power of modularity should not be underestimated, and more college students are reaching towards a more interdisciplinary learning experience. Combining both modularity and a polymathic mindset, then you can formulate your own Modular Degree.
You may start out with just one learning subject/topic, or perhaps two, but quickly your curiosity is bound to expand.
That is okay, and even encouraged in this framework. Taking your learning to new heights requires experimentation, and deciding whether or not a subject is actually keeping your attention. For example coding over the years has eluded me, but each time I try to learn it I learn a bit more.
Perhaps something you’ll pick up quickly, and other things need to be spread over the course of time. That modularity of TIME is one example of how you can take this system into your own way.
You have the power of choice
That was always my intention from this idea. That if you needed to change what you were learning, or the speed of it, or the source of where you were learning from.
That you had the capacity to do so, and with traditional learning models you don't have that choice. It could be costing you the life spent pursuing that degree, when you could expedite the learning, learn form the BETTER source (that may not be academically ingrained yet), or even just simply an easier learning modality.
Especially if you have some sort of learning disability, or simply have a voracious curiosity. The old ways of schooling might be hindering you drastically.
Read more from the tag on this site:
I discuss the various things like is college worth it, how to make a Modegree, what is a Modular Degree, etc.
Template Coming Soon!
Over the years I've made and remade my OWN template many times, and that in turn changes how the public template works as well.
I think that I've found the perfect way to work in the Modular Degree, and that is through Obsidian. My main PKM tool of choice, but I also want to make templates for other tools in case your preferred one is different.
So keep an eye out for an announcement!