PolyInnovator Learning Materials 2025

PolyInnovator got it’s start via the DIY degree mindset, and that turned into the Modular Degree framework. In this digital age we have struck gold when it comes to the wealth of knowledge and learning we can do. From the various MOOC’s, to the countless podcasts or blogs, and the Modular Degree’s to organize them all.

The learning opportunities know no bounds.

I have been focused on as of late to release a beta template for it in Notion.

Scratch that, I'm going to make templates for many PKM tools, as Notion is not the only one out there that is good. Since I originally made this "social blog", I've actually moved AWAY from Notion, and no longer think of it as the best for the Modegree anymore.

The Modegree is a tool to help you organize all of your learning materials. This post is about that framework, but also what I have planned for learning content coming from PolyInnovator this year as well!

The Future Big Content Projects for PolyInnovator

Let's start with what capstones to PolyInnovator phases will we be getting? Think of these like the big projects for each of my topics/niches of my personal brand. What is important TO YOU is that each of these would be like the resources you get out of me haha!

For example the swimming newsletter, leads up to the release of the How to Swim BOOK. That is the capstone of that phase.

Now that we got that out of the way, here is what I have planned (ideally this year).

Since I'm blitzing out the basic free content this year (think like blog posts such as this one), then I'll be able to FOCUS on the big stuff instead of trying to be consistent each week on the small stuff.

  1. Swimming book comes first.
  2. Other books to follow: PIOS, Polymathy, etc (I have at least a dozen book ideas lined up, ready to go, just need to fully write them for you)
  3. Going to remake the "Self-Education Mini Course", which was the pre-cursor to making your own Modular Degree
  4. Remaking the Notion Modegree template to match modern version of the framework, and make templates for at least: Obsidian, Airtable, and maybe Capacities.
  5. Remaking/Making the Modular Degree COURSE, which teaches you how to make your own and use it.
  6. Creating a pseudo-course here on the PolyInnovator website for the PIOS as a whole, which would link together certain parts of the site for a more cohesive learning experience. It will be mostly free, with a PolyPRO mega post at the end I think (basically a text course).

After all of that we will see what comes next, a lot of this will all compound into each other too given the overlap!

A Degree for you and Me

This newfound approach to a modular education is aimed to be an innovative new turn on learning. Using the concepts of skill trees, gamification, and overall the power of choice. Sometimes in order to move forward you have to veer left or right instead. Maybe it is the video gamer in me, but I think of progression in more than just a linear path.

Regardless if you are a pure traditional academic, or a rebellious multipassionate, there is something they both need. That is the dynamic power of interleaving and choice in learning.

By allowing generalists and specialists alike to have a new method of learning, then we can all benefit from the innovative results.

"A Degree for Generalists and Polymaths."

Modular and Polymathic

People who are multidisciplinary are curious about many things, and they want to learn about those varies topics. Knowing that this sort of experimental learning isn’t really fitting in a traditional academic sense, they often just do it by themselves. To various levels of success, and isn’t to a fault of their own.

Many of them would take a more official route if they could, but either the course is stuck in a long form degree. Alternatively, they can’t just take one course, as it would have to be part of a tuition set.

Polymathic people need something modular, and subject to change when they need new stimuli. I think there is a point where it should cut off, sure, as we wouldn’t want to start too many things. However anything right now will provide more freedom, than what we have with colleges.

Self-Education to New Horizons

Self-edu allows for you to try out new things, gain new competitive skills, and overall have more control over what you learn. Since you decide when/what/where after all.

Finding a way to stick to it is rather the hardest part, which is why I create content around being an autodidact.

Teaching yourself can lead you to even greater heights in life!

If you want to keep reading:

Modular Degree (DIY degree) | Personal PolyInnovation System
This is a page dedicated to the Modular Degree, an experimental Self-Education endeavor for changing how we approach online education! Get started on your own Modegree today!

Previous Shorter Version:

This was one of my "social articles", an experiment to create medium sized blog posts, akin to newsletters. Across a variety of social blogging networking platforms. Such as Medium, Vocal Media, and Linkedin. Since it didn't quite land; I decided to take these posts and remake them into more full length creations. I'll try to include any interesting links from the original, and sometime the full previous version as well if it makes sense.
PolyInnovator Learning
In this digital age we have struck gold when it comes to the wealth of knowledge and learning we can do. From the various MOOC’s, to the countless podcasts or blogs, and the Modular Degree’s to organize them all.