Personal Branding for the Multidisciplinary Creator

Multi-passionate, Multi-potentialite, or Multi-Disciplinary?

One means you have the Potential to do many things, another is that you are passionate about many things, and the last thing is that you have many disciplines. There is a difference between wanting to do many things, and having DONE those things. Your personal brand, if you're a multi-person, should reflect this as well!

I love how she begins with "you don't have to niche down", and really that is true! She also goes into the how the brain might go into something else quickly, even as soon as you open a new tab. Before I say anything about that, go ahead and watch the video first!

Niche down? Maybe?

So I went on a podcast recently, and we talked about this. Really there are two paths ahead of the multidisciplinary / polymathic personal brand.

  1. You post whatever you feel is best, multi-niche, meta-niche, etc However you do not grow very fast usually, even in a multi-tech niche.
  2. Your personal brand hub is multi-niche, but you have separate channels or hubs for your various octopus-like arms going out.

Either way you fulfill your desire to do many things. It is simply how you market yourself, and some people might be opposed to this notion. However you gotta suck it up, as your personal brand IS you. It IS your personal reputation, and people naturally want to put you in a box. So your meta-niche can be your box, and give you an excuse to do sub-niches, or you can simply have multiple boxes.

She is right in the video too, you will grow faster on any of the platforms, if you have only one topic. However that doesn't mean you won't grow if you don't niche down too.

Shiny Object Syndrome versus Genuine Curiosity

This is something you'll have to learn for yourself, as there is an actual difference. Which tends to determine whether or not you stick with that hobby or niche. I'm not saying you need to niche down, in fact I'd rather you do the opposite.

However when you pick up a new skill, or find yourself drawn towards something interesting. Try to see if it is something flighting, or if you'll stick around after the plateaus.

This is partially why I created the Modular Degree, as I wanted a system that would change based on how my interest changed.

Being true to Yourself

Most platforms are generally geared towards the viewer rather than the creator, anyways. Meaning that if you make something that will entertain or educator the viewer, and you change it the next time to a different topic...

It doesn't really matter.

The reason being is that the viewer still likes who YOU are, and so they will most likely follow because of that. Being true to yourself will be a great start towards that connection as well.