Modern Polymath - Naoufal
This week's post is looking into what it means to be a modern polymath, and how to adapt to new changes.
Historical polymaths like Leonardo da Vinci are highlighted as models of curiosity and interdisciplinary exploration.
We go into the world of Naoufal, and how he sees the idea of Polymathy in the modern age!
AI Summary: The video titled "How To Become A Modern Polymath" discusses why striving to be a "modern renaissance man" is essential in today's world, offering practical guidance for achieving
this goal.
The video encourages viewers to embrace the philosophy of the modern polymath by cultivating diverse skills and interests.
To be "Well-Rounded" and Educated
From the renaissance man like Leonardo Da Vinci, a prime example, to the holistic belief in the interconnectedness of knowledge.
The idea of being well-rounded is ESSENTIALLY in today's modern learning environments, let alone professional ones too. In today's world, the goal of being akin to the renaissance person, is simply being polymathic or being a POLYMATH.
This WAS the way of being, at least until the industrial revolution.
Specialization vs. Generalization:
The era of specialization occurred due to the aforementioned industrial revolution, and we as a species needed "cogs in the wheel" for the factories.
Over the coming 100 years, it became more and more common to narrow down your interest into solely one thing. With maybe a secret hobby on the side.
Conversely, if you were to look at generalization, the ability to adapt to change is tenfold. In a fast-changing world, industries or professions can become obsolete.
The world of work has changed dramatically. A lot of roles got more and more specialized, and so the cogs needed even more deeply trained individuals. However in the age of information, or the digital renaissance as me and a lot of creators have come to call it.
The age of generalization has come again.
The Modern Challenges for a Modern Polymath
One obvious comes to mind, and that being the pandemic at the start of the decade. It changed so many people's lives, some not for the better, and for others completely changed the trajectory of their paths for the better.
They were the ones who were able to adapt to the new environment quickly. Find the new skills they needed to do so, and then pursue them at a rapid rate. Without them they wouldn't have been able to take advantage of the opportunity they saw in front of them.
Experiences that may SEEM disconnected, are often connected in one way or another. Polymathic people are able to not only SEE those connections, but also DO something about them.
Another video by the same creator, talking to the author Robert Greene:
"Bestselling author Robert Greene emphasizes leveraging the internet's vast knowledge to combine ideas in novel ways reflective of one's individuality."