Mastering Apex Legends: Essential Tips and Strategies
Apex has been a game I have played for a long time. Off and on at least with the ups and downs the game has to offer. One thing I've noticed since I started is that a lot of players treat it more like CoD, where they think its all about shooting. That's it.
This couldn't be farther from the truth, honestly shooting/FPS aspect is only about 33% of the game. So if you are going into it thinking that it is 80% of the game, then you are going to be ignoring major parts that are integral to it all.
Overview of Apex Legends
Apex is a cooperative team based shooter, that takes elements of TF2, Overwatch, Titanfall, and PubG, and puts into one experience. As a battle royale mainly, the point of the game is to drop onto a map that has a few dozen teams (the amount of ppl on those teams is based on the mode you play).
Then explore the map to find loot and fight other players. However where the game really shines, is the dynamic between different legends. Each player picks a legend at the start of the game, each with their own skills and ultimate ability.
To me the real essence of this game is the chemistry between legends. How some can work together, and how others negate each other. I.e. if one person builds a wall, then another person can portal through it. If one person throws down a missile barrage, then Wattson can deflect it with her ultimate.
Importance of learning strategies
There are certain play methods, that even I'm still learning myself because it takes a cooperative team to be able to do! haha However what they are, is based on your current environment. Do you or they have the high ground? Do you have 3 people, or just 2 cause someone got knocked down? Things like this cause you to have to think in a strategic way, and then coordinate with your team to push inward.
Another aspect is understanding team dynamics with other teams. If it is just one other team then you'll be fine, and you can fight them. However if a 3rd enters the mix, then it is often wise to either take a step back, or just simply leave. As they are going to be more well equipped than you in this current moment.
Brief game dynamics and objectives
The objective is to survive. This is where I think a lot of players really screw up, they just jump into a game to get a bunch of kills and die. However you can tell that this isn't what the developers wanted, as for many seasons they have been changing how ranked works by increasing the points allotted for those who stay alive longer.
You have to do both. Get kills in the game, as well as stay alive long enough for those kills to earn points. When I started playing this mindset kept me going until the final 3-5 oftentimes.
Choosing the Right Legend
Every legend is different, and each one has its own use on a team. You generally don't want to pick a legend that is of the same classification as another teammate's. Such as Recon, Support, Skirmisher, etc.
However if that legend is your "main", the one you use the most, then it is understandable. Just know that you may be lacking a support team member (and thus cannot craft banners).
I remember this well in Team Fortress 2, where people would choose their character based on how many of those teammates were already playing the other characters. I.e. oftentimes people didn't play medic, so I would go in and main him.
Understanding different Legends and their abilities
Think of it like a large game of rock, paper, scissors, and each legend takes care of another one. However it is also a matter of synergy. Such as Loba and Valkyrie both pair well together, and if you throw in a heavy hitter like Fuse, or a big guy like Gibby, then it can be a powerful combination. You have support from Loba and unlimited ammo essentially, the map mobility of Valk, and the defense or offense of the others.
Tips for selecting Legends based on play style
If you tend to play a bit more aggressive, then Assault might be more your style, or the classes that are "movement" based. While they don't have their own official category, there is an unofficial categorization.
Some examples are: Octane, Valk, Pathfinder, and there are even some that have a jump ability like Revenant, Vantage, and Newcastle.
Finding what works for you is key. One thing that not everyone mentions when you start out, but you should do it 100%. Is experiment. Try out every single legend, as I can assure you one of them might surprise you.
Popular Legend combinations for success
There are some popular duo combos, as well as trios. I'll try to list them out here, although there isn't enough time to explain them. Let me know if you want me to make a post!
Bloodhound x Bangalore = Smoke and Scan combo
Valk x Loba = Mobile Vending Machine
While NOT a good combination, a popular one is: Wraith x Octane = Toxica Package
Wattson x Caustic = Devil's Fortress
Bangalore x Gibby = Hell from Above
Horizon x Vantage = Sniper's Nest
Ballistic x Alter = Knock and Dock
The siblings do pair well together, Newcastle x Banalore = Walled Hellfire
For any duo combination, they can be played in trios too, and so think about which 3rd would be best for that pair.
Map Awareness and Drop Locations
This is where I think most players struggle. They don't know where they are, and the maps usually funnel you to the center. Where it is most dangerous.
Importance of map knowledge
You should know what map you are on just by looking at it. The textures, transportation methods, Points of Interest, they're all different so it shouldn't be too hard.
From there you need to be able to find a spot to have cover, and have an area where you can retreat back to if you make a false step in the wrong direction (i.e. too many teams).
There are also a lot of hiding spots, that can save you in a ranked game, if you know where they are.
Best drop locations for loot
Now this may be subject to change if they get rid of ground loot, but at the time of this writing we are still in the ground loot era.
When you first start you are told that the area with the big beacon of light is the best drop zone for loot. Technically that "may" be true, but most people end up dropping there, and so you really don't get that much in the end. The only benefit is the small chance of getting a golden weapon.
However the real skillful players can use any gun. At least at the start of the game. The best location therefore is the location that you know WELL, and that you can speed run your looting. Collect as much as you can essentially before the enemy team approaches.
Positioning strategies as the match progresses
At the beginning it is best to drop at a location with only ONE other team. If you drop hot, then you're not playing to win.
In some cases dropping with 2 other teams is fine, but just try to be the 3rd party. If you try and fight in the middle then you'll end up wasting ammo and heals.
If you don't get into a fight within the first 5 teams dying (that is really the countdown to pay attention to). Then don't try to for a while.
There is a certain point between 12 teams left, and 5 teams left, where you shouldn't try and pick a fight. It is too dangerous as you will immediately get 3rd partied by another team. Anything more than 13 teams, or less than 4 is up to you.
When you get to the final 5 to 3 teams, this is where a lot of people tend to try and fight, but I would suggest thinking more big picture. Find out where the last ring is going to be, even if you don't have a legend that can locate that for you. There is a trick you can do. If you look at the map, there is a spot on the ring that is closest to the outer ring. That is usually where the next ring is going to be.
Go to that spot ahead of everyone, grab a house, or the high ground. Set up there, and prepare for them to come to YOU.
Team Collaboration
Listen. It is a TEAM based game. Do not go all john wick, and go solo mode. Especially when you selected to play on a team. The worst is when those people drop elsewhere, then get mad at you when they die.
I still try to go and rescue them, despite all that, but don't be that person.
Role of communication in a squad
You're not going to be the top esports gamer when it comes to communication. "on me", they're forming a "Devil's Fortress", etc.
However you can communicate by saying above, to your left, one shot (if they're actually), and things like that.
Try not to over ping, as it can be spammy real quick. However those who have played for a long time know that it is usually to help you see from another angle.
Utilizing character abilities for team advantage
Combine your legends people! You don't have to do the aforementioned stacks, but for the love that is all things all-father. You have to coordinate with your team. If you see your Fuse throw down his ulimate, and you're a valk or gibby. Then throw down your damn missiles!
If your Valk is pinging you to come to them, then get on the damn ultimate to fly away. Sorry a little salty there. In addition if you are a gibby, then it is really smart to throw down your bubble when Valk ulting. IT can SAVE your team. Same goes for Bang smoke!
If you're playing Loba, don't hog all the good loot, and don't drop your ultimate far away from other teammates. I understand if you are trying to be center in the POI, but also think about how long it takes to get to you. As well as, don't forget to close your ULT!
Coordinating attack and defense strategies
Your team should all be on the same page about attacking. While I know there are players like me that are in it for the long haul, to win, rather than get into fights. I also know that I should push myself to push teams more.
Not everyone is going to have that awareness, so don't be hard on them if they're a bit apprehensive. Convince them that it is a good idea, and have them stick close.
Conversely, make sure you listen to your longevity player. They're there to keep you alive for longer, so if their gut is saying GTFO. Then it is probably because they know another team is coming, that you can't see cause you're focused on the fight.
Weapon Choices and Loadouts
You never know what EA will do to the weapon pool, but for now I'm going to talk about what I know, and how it HAS worked.
Choosing the right weapons for different situations
You generally want something for up close, and something for long distance. Back when I started the best combo was an Eva8 shotgun, and Triple Take sniper. Fast and distance. And in a pinch the sniper could be used in mid range.
A lot of people go for the R-301 which can kinda do all 3, but its not the greatest up close.
Usually an SMG is my go to with a Longbow now (now that the tripletake is no longer a sniper).
You could do some special strats where you only use guns of one ammo type, but you have to make sure your team isn't using it too. I.e. the R-400 (301 + r99), or the energy duo (Volt and Tripletake).
Loadout tips for maximizing effectiveness
You're probably not going to get the best loadout for a while. It takes time to find the right gun, and the right attachments. However it is imperative that you are able to fight with what you have. Even if its a crappy gun, if you can hit your shots better than the other person you will win.
I'm not a fan of training in the shooting range, but it would be wise if you're having a hard time picking up a gun's recoil.
Try picking something up that you aren't used to and sticking to it.
Understanding weapon attachments and their benefits
Some guns are terrible until you put an attachment onto them. Such as some energy weapons without the turbocharger.
The mozambique is really not that bad, but when you add the hammerpoint it becomes nasty.
Survivability Techniques
I am telling you, surviving is more important than kills, and I'll drive that home until I die. I mean in real life, cause I do die in the game. However I've gotten a lot better at holding my own in 1v1 and 1v2 situations.
This is the advice I want to give you. There are two types of players: Aggressive and Survival.
If you are one or the other, then you NEED to learn the other player styles. If you normally hot drop, then go out far and learn how to play the ring/survive time wise. If you normally play ring and drop far out, then learn how to hold your own in hot drops or at least hotter situations.
Positioning and cover mechanics
Never underestimate the power of high ground. Learn from Star Wars.
As a valk main I often get up high pretty quickly, but the trap is that you are more exposed.
Thus learn how to manage cover more, and get your shots down quickly.
Items and healing strategies
Sometimes in the final battles it is better to use a shield cell rather than a full battery, as they are faster. Keep in mind the pace of the battle. If you have time then heal, if you don't, then that one cell might put you over an edge with the opposing player.
Lifelines for the love of all things holy, drop your damn drone.
Movement tactics to avoid detection
Bunny hopping doesn't work anymore, and wall jumping barely gives you any boost. Stop using them.
The best strategies is using gravity to your advantage, and sliding as much as you can. However learn when it is not the right time to slide too.
Sometimes crawling is suitable as you make less noise. I was able to avoid an entire team when trying to recover banners the other day as I snuck past them.
Endgame Strategies
When there is too many teams you should stay out of it, but it is sometimes wise to snipe or pick at the losing team. To either speed up the process, or get some armor.
Not everyone is a sniper like me though, so I want to mention that if you are not. Then find a way to help your team in the late game. Build up walls, do some recon on your six, or something.
Understanding late-game scenarios
Every map, every ring, every team combination, they are all going to be different. These are the calculations you need to make when trying to win in the final hours.
Often the survivalist player tends to have a good understanding of the macro situation, so don't forget to ask your teammate. The offensive players can often pick out details about the team make up, so ask them for info on what legends are being used. Etc.
Preparing for final circles
Like I said earlier, try to get to the final circle first, as you don't want to be caught in a Mufasa situation. Where you are in a canyon, with teams on either side of you, and you only have the one way forward.
It is really nice to have a Rampart, Wattson, or Newcastle in the final ring to have some sort of manufactured cover.
This is just one guy's interpretation of the game, but after playing for over two years. Probably longer. For over 15 seasons, ever since Season Five, there have been a ton of things I have learned.
I mained Gibby, Wattson, Horizon, and now Valk. I've gotten the perspective from multiple angles, I've watched as players either played rat too long, or they over aggressed other teams.
Recap of strategies focused on
Try to get the high ground, learn special legend combos, play both styles, and maximize your usage of legend abilities.
If you leave your team, then don't be the guy getting mad.
Encouraging continued practice and learning
This game is still evolving, and while there isn't as much content as we would like. The characters added change the chemistry of the game. You may never know what will come around the corner, and that is part of the fun. The reactionary aspect of playing!