How Zelda games operate like a Factory
Churning them out like gears in a machine.
Growing up there has been many games or series that have influenced my life, but one of the most influential is: The Zelda Series.
The story is simple... a boy/young man wakes up to a world that is being challenged by a powerful evil. A wise princess is fighting it back, but in the end it is the courageous lad who is able to combine his powers with the princess to save the day.
This same story is repeated time and time again. Sometimes through the lens of Twilight, other times across the expanse of time, and even still sometimes at the beginning or end of time itself.
A cycle doomed to repeat itself.
The Same Formula
These games always seem to follow the same formula over and over. That being there is a gimmick to the game (i.e. Wolf link, turning into painting, climbing, etc), and then the game is built around that.
Generally it follows either the 3 easier dungeons, followed by the bigger 5 dungeon set, which happens 80% of the time. The other 20% follow more of a 4 dungeon rule, and generally focus on other aspects of the game. Prime examples being Majora's Mask (the other aspect being character development), or Breath of the Wild (the other aspect heavily being open world gameplay).
I talked more about this on my main site a while back:
The Deep Love for the Series
I think this affection we feel as fans has to do with the sheer volume of games in the series. Everyone has their own favorite game, and even top 10 list. Mine I shared here.
With the interesting, yet somehow generic, stories embodying the hero's journey. The exciting real time gameplay, and getting puzzled by the various dungeons. There is a lot to love about this series.
While I have stated it is the same blueprint or formula each time, that isn't necessarily a bad thing. It is almost what gives the series it's charm. Allowing for more important details like story or gameplay to take center stage.
While throwing twists and turns for the players who know the formula well.
Whether it is all a dream, or it is reality of Hyrule. There are always going to be the trifecta... the greed of power, the steps taken of wisdom, and the actions of courage.
These are the pinnacles of life, at least in the world of Zelda, but one could say in our world as well. Having the power to stand up for yourself, the courage to chart your own path, and the wisdom to learn from your mistakes.
Nintendo likes to sneak in philosophical ideals through their media, and Zelda is no different!