How to Get Better at Swimming at ANY Age

You can get started today! It literally comes down to a choice, and then taking action right? I created this newsletter to be your funnel into learning how to swim. Whether you are comfortable in the water or not, there is the need to actually learn WHAT to do.

Then you learn HOW to do it.

Finally, you learn WHY do we do it in this way. Hence why most of the posts in this swimming series follow a WHY/HOW/WHAT format. When I bring in a new swim lesson, it doesn't matter their age or skill. I simply figure out what they need, and then I put them down one of those three paths.

Swimming is a LIFE Skill, and is not something you should go without.

You cannot predict what will happen tomorrow, you might slip and fall into the ocean or a lake. You might get dragged to the pool with your grandchild, and then they start to drown. You wouldn't let that happen would you?

Maybe you're the one who can't swim, and thus the lifeguard might have to save you? Let's not think about the scariness of that scenario, but rather the fact that it can be AVOIDED altogether.

Akin to walking or riding a bike, swimming is one of the most prevalent life skills that most of humanity learns one way or another. You might as well take the proactive approach, and start to learn now. Even if in your head you think you're too old to learn.

You can take baby steps, there is no judgement

I sincerely don't care if you're five, fifty five, or 85 years old. I've taught nearly all ages over my short lifespan.

To me all that matters is that the information gets across from you, you learn how to propel yourself forward, and most of all: that you don't panic when your face is underwater. Even when you are out of breathe.

That is the key to learning to swim, avoiding panic and following the physical movements.

It really doesn't matter WHEN you start to learn it too

I've taught swimming for over a decade, and I'm a great swimmer. However I didn't learn until I was 13 for doggypaddle, and 16 for actually good form. I didn't get good until a couple years after that thanks to lifeguarding.

To a lot of people that would have been really late already, but I know many many people do it even a lot later in life. THAT IS OKAY.

Learning this skill later in life can actually be a great thing. As it pushes your physical limitations, which is very much needed as we get older to keep our heart strong. Balance maintained, and muscles being broken down.

Swimming is also a mental skill, which would help you with your neuro-plasticity too!

How do you do it?

First and foremost, you have to make the conscious decision that it is a goal you need to achieve. Once you do that, then you need to get into the pool. I don't care if you actually swim or not, but legitimately get into the water and move around a bit. Most pools are going to be shallow anyways, and always guarded by lifeguards. Thus you have nothing to worry about when it comes to safety.

In reality you need to build the habit of just simply showing up first. Just like the regular dry gym. Its a matter of going in. They often say the heaviest weight is not in the gym, but rather the front door.

From there you simply need to follow the 3 Steps of Swimming (this is the first post in that mini series about the 3 steps). They will teach you the basics of how to move in the water.

That is why I created them, as they are easy to understand, as well as REMEMBER while you are physically in the movement.

In general anything from this swimming newsletter series will help you mentally understand what to do in the pool! 🏊 Mr. Dustin's Swim Academy so please keep reading on!

Disclaimer: This is advice for people to level up their swimming, or perhaps get started in the first place. While you swim you should make sure you are doing so in a public facility with a lifeguard on duty for safety.