Every Project or Phase is Connected

Each of your areas of life, from small interests and hobbies, to the big interests and careers. They all compound to make up what person you are.

Each phase can interleave in some way, alternate, and perhaps even build up another one without you fully knowing until later. What I want from you is to learn how to manage your interests/phases, and try to plan out ways for them to connect.

Maybe not Mastery, but getting to a "6 or 8 out 10 Level of Understanding"

This is something I want people to really think about, and is partly why I chose this video for this post this week.

Polymathy is about being a Multi-Expert, sure, but what does Expert mean?

It is more than knowing more than the layperson, which would be more akin to the Generalist level or even as low as the Jack of All Trades level of knowledge (referencing my Multidisciplinary Spectrum).

Note: Technically a jack of all trades can be of deep level of knowledge, it is just that most of the time they tend to be on the beginner side of the experience level. I.e. a dozen or so novice skills.

Point being you can be considered an Expert once you hit a certain threshold, and we tend to think of that threshold being really high. Top 20th percentile or higher.

That is certainly what I would consider to be an Expert level enough for becoming a Polymath. Yes.

Although one thing to understand is that not every skill or area of knowledge you possess needs to be at that level.

You could get away with a journeyman level of knowledge, say top 40th percentile, or even Adept level at 60th percentile of people in that field. That would still be very well versed in that skill, and it will help you a lot in your life.

Avoiding Stagnancy and Involving the Compound Effect

"If you can successfully manage multiple interests, or multiple projects, or make multiple terrains of your life work at the same time... Then it is an excellent safeguard against feeling too stagnant if there's ever a bottleneck or plateau."

Each of your areas of interest, or Phases as I like to call them, they all meet with each other. They layer on top of each other in different ways, and they combine in a unique way THROUGH YOU.

My philosophy comes from my background in the fitness world, where I am always trying to achieve 1% progress. Reaching that higher level.

Make your actions reflected on Your Calendar

If you do not make time for your phases, then they will not happen.

To me in my head each phase, no matter how big or important on the grand scale, they're all important.

Some might say if they're all important, then none of them are. Blah blah.

However that doesn't mean you can't prioritize based on which needs to get out first. They are all important, but some might have more rewards for finishing sooner, or the opportunity cost of waiting is too much.

Thus they temporarily become more important, which makes decision making a bit easier to be honest. Prioritize your Phases, list them, organize them, and then find ways to accomplish them via your calendar!