I'm not a 100% sure along the lines of what I wanted to convey with this post. Other than, your life is YOURS. You have the power to choose what path you pursue.

This goes along the lines of the posts I've made in the past about being the hero of your own story, or choosing your own career.

People think you have to know what you want to do out of life from the start. You really don't, and it is quite common to change your mind as well.

I was lucky in the sense that I had envisioned what I wanted my life to be like, and at my current young age I'm trying to sow the seeds for that life. There are different stages to it, and different areas of interest. However through me they overlap, and I am eager to see how long it will take to get to those stages.

It all starts with a WHY

Cue in Simon Sinek here, and think about why we are starting with why. For if you don't know your reasoning behind thinking about your life. Then how can you possibly make a right decision?

Know your own virtues, explore your own inner thoughts, and discover WHY you think in the way that you do.

This might sound floaty to a lot of you, and that is okay. Either you are not very introspective, or you are, and you think I'm over-selling the self-discovery side of things. Regardless, I think everyone could use a moment to reflect on who they are CURRENTLY.

How does that compare to who you want to be?

Climbing the Ladder

Once you know why you are doing what you are doing, then you can figure out the what and how to go about it. What are the things you want to accomplish, write down 10-20 items. Then prioritize the best five out of them all.

People say you can't do everything, but I think if you work hard enoughcost is more of myth than a fact.