Announcing the Launch of PolyInnovator Gaming!

Announcing the Launch of PolyInnovator Gaming!

While I have many phases to focus on at this time, there is one that has been long in the making! That is the start of my Gaming content, and even a new YouTube channel.

I created a new website and YT for this new endeavor, as well as a new Instagram too! This is because I want to be able to share plenty of content, without the OmniBlog or TeleInnovator taking away the attention of the games. I'll still post PolyInnovator Gaming posts here on the OmniBlog too however!

PolyInnovator Gaming
A generalist/polymath approach to video game playing!

Check out the YouTube Channel as well!

I've thought long and hard about making a NEW channel for this, as I just felt that games could simply go into my main channel. However this is so far out of the niches that I already discuss on TeleInnovator, that I felt the gaming channel deserved to be on its own.

Not only that but the premise is still the same, being polymathic in my approach, and "The Generalist Gamer" I think represents that.

Since it is going to be a variety channel, and not catered to just one genre or game. It is already taking a multifaceted way of content.

What type of games will I focus on?

The beauty of being a variety streamer is that I don't have to conform to just one genre or type of game!

Starting out I have recorded a season of "State of Decay 2" with my "Last Law" community. After that I'll probably do something along the lines of Octopath Traveler or Breath of the Wild.

I have a whole post containing the games list here:

Games List
Here is the list of games I intend to play on stream, or at least record myself playing. As some may end up being a mix of both!

Here is to a successful Game Streaming Journey!

I've always been a gamer, ever since I was a little kid. I think about games a lot, and even come up with unique ideas to share too. I am working on my own video game in the Godot Engine at the moment, so you might hear about that as well!

I'm looking forward to sharing my extensive gaming life with all of you! :D

ABOUT The Generalist Gamer
I wanted to kickstart this PolyInnovator Gaming website with an overview, and links to related resources. This the “getting started” post for The Generalist Gamer!